The time difference between China and Canada varies depending on the specific regions within each country. Generally, China is 12-15 hours ahead of Canada. For example, Beijing time is 13 hours ahead of Toronto time, but this can vary depending on daylight saving time changes in both countries.
There is a 14-hour time difference between China and Memphis. Memphis is 14 hours behind China.
Ontario, Canada is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) which is the same as Eastern Standard Time (EST). Therefore, there is no time difference between Ontario, Canada and EST.
The time difference between Canada and Thailand is typically around 11-12 hours, depending on the specific locations within each country. Thailand is ahead of Canada in time.
The time difference is three and a half hours at the border between Afghanistan and China.
There is a 1 hour time difference. New Brunswick, Canada is in the Atlantic Time Zone (AST), while Florida is in the Eastern Time Zone (EST).
There is a 14-hour time difference between China and Memphis. Memphis is 14 hours behind China.
what is the time difference between Spaind and Calgary in Canada
There is no time difference between Singapore and China.
There is a six hour time difference.
The time difference between Riyadh and Beijing is five hours. China is 5 hours ahead of Saudi Arabia.
Ontario, Canada is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) which is the same as Eastern Standard Time (EST). Therefore, there is no time difference between Ontario, Canada and EST.
They are on opposite sides of Canada. There is a 3 hour time difference.
The time difference between Mauritius and Dalian, China, is four hours. Dalian is four hours ahead of Mauritius. Mauritius is in the Mauritius time zone, and Dalian is in the China standard time zone.
The time difference between Canada and Thailand is typically around 11-12 hours, depending on the specific locations within each country. Thailand is ahead of Canada in time.
Korea is 1 hr. ahead of China.