From the 1st Sun. of Nov. until the 2nd Sun. of March, Iraq (UTC+3) is 11 hrs. ahead of California (UTC-8).
From the 2nd Sun. of March until the 1st Sun. of Nov., Iraq (UTC+3) is 10 hrs. ahead of California (UTC-7).
Lebanon (UTC+2/UTC+3) is usually 10 hours ahead of California (UTC-8/UTC-7).
(There are 2 or 3 weeks in March and 1 week in Oct.-Nov. in which Lebanon is 9 hours ahead of California due to the different Daylight Saving Time/ Summer Time schedules.)
When California is on Daylight Saving Time (UTC-7) it is 11.5 hours behind Afghanistan (UTC+4:30). When California is on Standard Time (UTC-8), it is 12.5 hours behind Afghanistan.
Time difference between San Diego, California and Geneva, Switzerland is 9 hours.
Geneva is 9 hours ahead of San Diego. When it is noon in San Diego, it is 9 pm in Geneva.
There is a 1-hour time difference between California and Denver. Denver is 1 hour ahead of California.
The time difference between California, USA and Macedonia is usually 9 hours, with California being ahead of Macedonia. However, this may vary depending on daylight saving time changes in each location.
There is a 3 hour difference between Georgia and California. California is 3 hours behind Georgia. So if it is 12 pm (noon) in California, then it is 3 pm in Georgia. If you are referring to the country Georgia, then there is a 11 hour time difference.
The time difference between Los Angeles, California, and Mykolaiv, Ukraine, is 10 hours. Mykolaiv is 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
The time difference between California (Pacific Time Zone) and Stuttgart, Germany (Central European Time Zone) is 9 hours. Stuttgart is 9 hours ahead of California.
There is no time difference between California, USA and Seattle, WA, USA
There is no time difference between California and Arizona.
There is a three hour difference in time between California and the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic time is ahead of California time.
they are the same thing so they are on the same time..
The time difference between New York and California is 3 hours.
their in the same time zone
There is a 1-hour time difference between California and Denver. Denver is 1 hour ahead of California.
California and Washington are both in the Pacific Time zone, so there is NO difference.
2 hours difference
Seattle (Washington) and California are in the same time zone.
The time difference between California, USA and Macedonia is usually 9 hours, with California being ahead of Macedonia. However, this may vary depending on daylight saving time changes in each location.