Virginia and New Jersey are both in the Eastern Time Zone, so there is no time change between the two states. Both states follow Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the non-Daylight Saving Time period and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when Daylight Saving Time is in effect.
The time difference between Lansing, Michigan (Eastern Time Zone) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (Eastern Time Zone) is zero hours. Both cities are in the same time zone.
Massachusetts is in the Eastern Time Zone and New Jersey is also in the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, there is no time difference between Massachusetts and New Jersey.
Texas is in the Central Time Zone, which is 1 hour behind Virginia, which is in the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, there is a 1-hour time difference between Texas and Virginia.
Mississippi and Virginia are both in the Central Time Zone, so there is no time difference between them. Both states observe the same time.
There is never a time difference between Virginia and New York.
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 5 hours, 17 minutes
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 59 minutes
New Jersey and Georgia are on the same time.
The time difference between Lansing, Michigan (Eastern Time Zone) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (Eastern Time Zone) is zero hours. Both cities are in the same time zone.
Massachusetts is in the Eastern Time Zone and New Jersey is also in the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, there is no time difference between Massachusetts and New Jersey.
Texas is in the Central Time Zone, which is 1 hour behind Virginia, which is in the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, there is a 1-hour time difference between Texas and Virginia.
What is the time between Chicago and Philadephia
Mississippi and Virginia are both in the Central Time Zone, so there is no time difference between them. Both states observe the same time.
The distance between the starting location and the destination is 356mi, (572km), and will take approximately 6 hours 50 minutes of driving time.
3 hours. New Jersey is Eastern time and Vancouver is Pacific time.
There is never a time difference between Virginia and New York.
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 20 hours, 3 minutes