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the third line of defence work as a Primary Responce and a Secondary Responce the Primary Responce occurs when first a pathagen enter the body and secondly lymphocytes (b-cell) produce antibodies and finally antibodies have a speific shape which bind to antigens on surface of pathagen and then the dead pathagen is digested is eaten by phagocytes The Second Responce is the vaccination that contain live pathagen treated to make them harmless and it contain harmless fragment of the pathagen and dead phagen or toxins produced by pathagen and while vaccine is given we will gel active immunity because that vaccine will produce antibodies for ever

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15y ago
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4mo ago

The third line of defense in the immune system is adaptive immunity, which involves the activation of lymphocytes (B cells and T cells) that specifically target and eliminate pathogens. This response is characterized by immunological memory, allowing the system to mount a more rapid and targeted response upon subsequent exposures to the same pathogen.

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12y ago
  • Called into action when nonspecific methods are not enough and infection becomes widespread

Types of cells involved in the immune system:

  • Macrophages - engulf foreign objects
    • Inform T lymphocytes at a specific antigen is present
  • Helper T cells - produce and secrete chemicals which promote large numbers of effector and memory cells
  • Cytotoxic T cells - T lymphocytes that eliminate infected body cells and tumor cells
  • B cells - produce antibodies (secrete them in the blood or position them on their cell surfaces)

Each type of virus, bacteria, or other foreign body has molecular markers which make it unique

  • Host lymphocytes (i.e. those in your body) can recognize self proteins (i.e. those which are not foreign)
  • When a nonself (foreign) body is detected, mitotic activity in B and T lymphocytes is stimulated
    • While mitosis is occurring, the daughter populations become subdivided
      • Effector cells - when fully differentiated, they will seek and destroy foreign
      • Memory cells - become dormant, but can be triggered to rapid mitosis if pathogen encountered again

Thus, immunological specificity and memory involve three events:

(1) Recognition of a specific invader

(2) Repeated cell divisions that form huge lymphocyte populations

(3) Differentiation into subpopulations of effector and memory cells

  • Antigen - a nonself marker that triggers the formation of lymphocyte armies
  • Antibodies - molecules which bind to antigens and are recognized by lymphocytes

Antigen-presenting cell - a macrophage which digests a foreign cell, but leaves the antigens intact. It then binds these antigens to MHC molecules on its cell membrane. Theantigen-MHC complexes are noticed by certain lymphocytes (recognition) which promotes cell division (repeated cell divisions)

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10y ago

Tetiary line of defense are your antibodies. The first line of defense is skin, the second line of defense is white blood cells. If the pathogen has passed 1st and 2nd line of defense, your third line of defense comes in to play. Tertiary line of defense includes acquired and innate immunity.

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12y ago

your but smells take a shower caca man or girl

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Q: What is the third line of defense in the immune system?
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Is circulatory system the last body and most complicated line of defense against infection?

No, the circulatory system is not the last line of defense against infection. The immune system plays the primary role in defending the body against infections. The circulatory system helps in distributing immune cells and antibodies throughout the body to fight off infections, but it is not the final line of defense.

What system is the body's first line of defense?

The body's first line of defense is the innate immune system, which includes physical and chemical barriers like skin, mucous membranes, and stomach acid that help prevent pathogens from entering the body. If pathogens breach these barriers, the immune system responds with inflammation and activates other immune cells to fight off the infection.

Are phagocytes part of the second line of defense against microorganisms?

Yes, phagocytes are part of the second line of defense in the immune system. They help to engulf and destroy pathogens that have breached the first line of defense such as the skin and mucous membranes. Examples of phagocytes include macrophages and neutrophils.

The skin and mucous membranes are examples of?

The skin and mucous membranes are examples of physical barriers that serve as the first line of defense for the immune system. They help to prevent pathogens from entering the body and causing infection.

What is the main line of defense?

The main line of defense in the human body is the immune system, which helps to protect against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This includes physical barriers like the skin, as well as specialized cells and proteins that work together to identify and neutralize harmful invaders.

Related questions

What is your third line of defense?

Your body's third line of defense is specific defenses, such as the immune response.

What is first line of defense and what is second line of defense?

skin and mucous membranes first line of defense second line-leukocytes and macrophages, inflammation and fever third is immune system

What is the third line of defense called?

The third line of defence against pathogens is called the Specific Immune Responce

What white blood cell types are involved in the second line of defence?

The immune system's third line of defense is called specific resistance or acquired immunity. The system depends on antigens which are mostly proteins which function as a producer of the immune response.

Is circulatory system the last body and most complicated line of defense against infection?

No, the circulatory system is not the last line of defense against infection. The immune system plays the primary role in defending the body against infections. The circulatory system helps in distributing immune cells and antibodies throughout the body to fight off infections, but it is not the final line of defense.

Are the adenoids part of the immune systems?

Yes adenoids are part of immune system. It is the first line of defense.

What level of prevention is a vaccine?

there are actually three categories of defenses in the body, namely: first line of defense, second line of defense and the third line of defense.first line of defense is our skin. the vaccine you're talking about falls under the second line of defense because it involves the immune system wherein these vaccines were introduced into the body,nonetheless, the cells on our body creates/secretes chemicals that serve as defense mechanism; and the third line of defense is the use of medications or chemicals prescribed by the doctors.

Nina has the flu and a high fever. Her immune system is exhibiting the line of defense. This defense is part of immunity.?


The immune system's third line of defense against invading organisms is?

the but cheeks are the third defence against invading pathogens. If the skin or white blood cells have not later killed these systems. While you sleep your but cheeks got into your body searching for the pathogen once it is found the but cheeks squeeze so that is a sorbed and it is out of your system. if it is a serious disease the but cheeks start shutting inside your body so you eventually poo out of your mouth.

Contrast the first line of defense with the main line of defense?

In the immune system, the first line of defense are mechanical and physical barriers, such as the skin and the cornea of the eye. The main line of defense, meanwhile, are the innate immunity and acquired immunity of an organism.

What is the first line of defense against infection?

Your skin,sweat,mucus,and tears is the first line of defense of your immune system. it is the original protector from bacteria and viruses

Is memory cells part of third line of body defence?

Yes, memory cells are part of the adaptive immune response, which is considered the third line of defense in the immune system. Memory cells are responsible for remembering previous encounters with specific pathogens and mounting a quicker and more efficient immune response upon re-exposure.