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Q: What is the the relationship between sucrose concentration and rate of cellular respiration in yeast.?
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What is the relationship between the processes of breathing and cellular respiration?

Respiration and breathing are the same thing.

What is the main relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The products of photosynthesis are used in the process of cellular respiration and vice versa.

Relationship between two the products of photosynthesis and the reactants in cellular respiration?

The relationship is when the cellular respiration takes CO2 through the plants system it helps bring what is needed for photosynthesis to occur.

What is the relationship between digestion and respiration?

You need oxygen to convert food into energy and this process is called cellular respiration

Differentiate between external inertial cellular respiration?

The external inertial respiration refers to breathing, while the cellular respiration refers to respiration between the cells.

What is the relationship between the reactants and products of cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

they are the same, both are glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2).

What is one true distinction between fermentation and cellular respiration?

One distinction is that fermentation does not require oxygen, while cellular respiration does. Fermentation produces a smaller amount of ATP compared to cellular respiration.

What is the relationship between cellular respiration and glucose?

Glucose is the primary raw material / reactant required to generate pyruvate, which is then used in the Krebs cycle. In the process of cellular respiration, oxygen is introduced into the Krebs cycle to generate NADPH and ATP for energy for cells.

What is the similarities between cellular respiration and respiration?

they are both proccesses to help homeostasis

What is the major similarity and difference between cellular respiration and respiration and photosynthesis?

That it have cell

What is the relationship between cellular respiration and photosythesis?

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are interconnected processes. Photosynthesis in plants captures energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, while cellular respiration in plants and animals releases energy from glucose by breaking it down with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. Essentially, photosynthesis generates the oxygen and glucose needed for cellular respiration to occur.

The difference between photosynthesis in chloroplasts and cellular respiration in the mitochondria?

Photosynthesis makes glucose molecules, but cellular respiration breaks them down.