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The test commonly used to determine reflexes after a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the deep tendon reflex test, where a healthcare provider strikes specific tendons with a reflex hammer to observe the body's involuntary response. Abnormal reflexes following a CVA may indicate damage to the central nervous system, helping healthcare providers assess the extent of neurological impairment and develop appropriate treatment plans.

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Q: What is the test to determine reflexes after CVA?
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What is the instrument used to test knee reflexes?

The instrument used to test knee reflexes is a reflex hammer. The doctor will tap the tendon below the kneecap to evaluate the neurological responses and reflexes in the leg.

What instrument is used to test knee reflex?

It is a tomahawk-shaped rubber instrument used to test reflexes in order to determine if an individual's nerve reflexes are functioning properly. There is no specialized name for this instrument, though it is commonly referred to as a mallet.

What test does the doctor do when he use the hammer?

The doctor is testing your reflexes.

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Which of the following tests makes use of a special hammer?

The test that makes use of a special hammer is the neurological examination test known as the reflex hammer test. This test is used to assess deep tendon reflexes by tapping on specific areas on the body with the hammer.

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It is true that the first activity in test preparation is to determine what the test will be all about.

Where can one purchase a CVA muzzleloader?

One can purchase a CVA muzzleloader from the official website of CVA. These hunting equipment costs between 100-600 dollars and comes in numerous specifications.

Can you put a scope on CVA .50 cal Missouri?

You can put a scope on a CVA .50 cal. Missouri.

What does Reflexes 2 in medical terms mean?

"Reflexes 2" or "reflexes +2" indicates normal reflexes.

What is the advantage of being able to test different reflexes?

Abnormal reflexive reactions are a means of diagnosing neurological problems.