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Q: What is the symbol for yields or reactants to products?
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Which chemicals are the reactiants?

In a chemical equation, the reactants are on the left side of the yields symbol. The products are on the right.

What symbol is used in a chemical equation to indicate products or yields?

The arrow symbol "→" is used in a chemical equation to indicate the direction in which the reactants are transforming into products.

What symbol is used in a chemical equation to indicate yields?

The symbol used in a chemical equation to indicate yields is the arrow "->". This arrow separates the reactants from the products in a chemical reaction.

In a chemical equation what are the reactants and products?

Reactants are the substances that are present at the start of a chemical reaction and are consumed during the reaction. Products are the substances that are formed as a result of the chemical reaction.

What represents the correct way to write a chemical equation reactants--products products equals reactants reactants equals sum sum--- reactants?

The correct way to write a chemical equation is: Reactants -> Products. This means that the reactants on the left side of the arrow are converted into products on the right side. The double arrow symbol <=> can be used to indicate that the reaction can proceed in both directions to reach an equilibrium.

What is the arrow read as in chemical equations?

The arrow in a chemical equation is read as "yields" or "produces," indicating the direction in which the reactants are transforming into products during a chemical reaction. This transformation can involve rearrangement of atoms and bonds to form new substances.

What does the arrow ina chemical reaction mean?

In a chemical reaction, the arrow typically indicates the direction in which the reaction is proceeding. It shows the transformation of reactants into products. The arrow points from the reactants to the products in a chemical equation.

What do the formulas arrow and plus signs in a chemical equation tell you?

The arrow in a chemical equation indicates the direction of the reaction, showing the conversion of reactants to products. The plus signs indicate the presence of multiple reactants or products in the reaction.

The arrow in a chemical equation is read as a?

It shows that the reactants (on the left side) react and become the products (on the right side) Sometimes, the arrow also signifies that energy is added in some form to cause the reaction. For example: 2H20+2NaCl -------> H2+Cl2+2NaOH

What are the two basic parts of a chemical reaction?

Chemical reaction is the making and breaking of chemical bonds, leading to changes in the composition of matter. Chemical reactions do not create or destroy matter; they only rearrange it in various ways.

What represents the correct way to write a chemical equation reactants ----- products products equals reactants reactants equals sum sum ---- reactants?

reactants -----> products is correct

Does the arrow means equals in a chemical equation?

No, the arrow in a chemical equation means yields or produces. It indicates the direction in which the reactants are transforming into products during a chemical reaction. The reactants are placed on the left side of the arrow, while the products are on the right side.