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Very often lower case letters are used to show recessive traits, and upper case for dominant, but this is not universal. Also, most traits aren't dependent on only one gene or "on/off" switch, but are rather part of a spectrum.

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8y ago
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3mo ago

The letter that represents a recessive allele is typically a lowercase letter, such as "a" or "b." In genetics, uppercase letters are commonly used to represent dominant alleles and lowercase letters represent recessive alleles.

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15y ago

It really depends on the letter used. Most scientists use the symbol "t" to symbolize it. No matter what it's a lowercase letter.

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13y ago

usually a lowercase letter does


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12y ago

The dominant trait is always capitalized when talking about human genetics. AA, is homozygous dominant, and Aa is a heterozygous genotype in which A is dominant and expressed.

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14y ago

One lowercased letter represents the allele, two represent the trait. They are the same letter as the dominate trait.

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12y ago

A recessive trait is symbolized by a small letter of the dominant trait.

for example.

the dominant trait is symbolized by 'B'

the recessive trait would be 'b'

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Q: What is the letter that represents a recessive allele?
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What stands for dominant allele?

A dominant allele is a version of a gene that is expressed when present, masking the effects of a recessive allele when both are present in an individual. It is represented by a capital letter in genetics notation, such as "A" for a dominant allele and "a" for a recessive allele.

What symbol represents the recessive allele for pod color?

The recessive pod color is green and the symbol appears to be a pea pod.

What does a capital letter show about a gene?

A capital letter in genetics typically represents the dominant allele of a gene. This means that the trait associated with that allele will be expressed in an individual, even if they have only one copy of the dominant allele. Lowercase letters are used to represent recessive alleles, which will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of the recessive allele.

A recessive allele is represented by an letter?

In genetics, a recessive allele is typically represented by a lowercase letter. For example, if the dominant allele is represented by "A", the recessive allele for the same trait would be represented by "a".

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

An allele that is masked by the dominant allele is called a recessive allele. When an individual has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, only the trait determined by the dominant allele will be expressed. The recessive allele will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of it (homozygous recessive).

Related questions

A recessive allele is respresented by?

a lower case letter that is the same letter as the upper case letter that represents the dominant allele

What stands for dominant allele?

A dominant allele is a version of a gene that is expressed when present, masking the effects of a recessive allele when both are present in an individual. It is represented by a capital letter in genetics notation, such as "A" for a dominant allele and "a" for a recessive allele.

What symbol represents the recessive allele for pod color?

The recessive pod color is green and the symbol appears to be a pea pod.

What type of gene does small letter?

A gene marked with a small letter typically represents a recessive allele for a particular trait. This means the trait will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of this recessive allele in their genetic makeup.

What does a capital letter show about a gene?

A capital letter in genetics typically represents the dominant allele of a gene. This means that the trait associated with that allele will be expressed in an individual, even if they have only one copy of the dominant allele. Lowercase letters are used to represent recessive alleles, which will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of the recessive allele.

How do you write dominant and recessive allels?

normally, the dominant allele is expressed as a capital letter and the recessive allele is expressed as a lowercase letter, if that's what you mean!

A recessive allele is represented by an letter?

In genetics, a recessive allele is typically represented by a lowercase letter. For example, if the dominant allele is represented by "A", the recessive allele for the same trait would be represented by "a".

What is allele masked by the dominant allele?

An allele that is masked by the dominant allele is called a recessive allele. When an individual has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, only the trait determined by the dominant allele will be expressed. The recessive allele will only be expressed if an individual has two copies of it (homozygous recessive).

How is a dominant trait represented in a punnett square?

Dominant alleles are written in upper case (i.e, 'A'), while recessive alleles are lower case (i.e, 'a')

What genotype is ff?

The genotype ff represents a homozygous recessive individual for a specific gene. This means that both alleles for the gene are the same and both are the recessive allele (f). This individual will exhibit the trait associated with the recessive allele.

In a punnet square a small letter stands for what type of allele?

A small letter stands for a recessive allele.

An example of a heterozygous recessive genotype is?

An example of a heterozygous recessive genotype is when an individual carries one dominant allele and one recessive allele for a particular trait. One example could be a person with the genotype Aa, where "A" represents the dominant allele and "a" represents the recessive allele.