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you feel like your half smart

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8mo ago

Hemispherectomy is a surgical procedure where half of the brain is removed or disconnected to treat severe epilepsy or brain tumors. This procedure is typically considered as a last resort when other treatments have failed to control seizures. After the surgery, the remaining part of the brain takes on the functions of the missing half.

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Q: What is the surgery when half the brain is removed?
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Does the great khali have acromegaly?

yeah he had brain surgery to have a tumor removed

Can you live with only a half a brain?

Yes, if one half of your brain is not working properly or for any other reason you may have, you can under go surgery to detatch the halfs of your brain!

What types of tumors are often removed by surgery?

Benign tumors (non-cancerous) such as brain tumors.

Does skull bone grow after brain surgery?

No, skull bone does not regenerate or grow back after brain surgery. However, in some cases, synthetic materials or implants may be used to replace any bone that was removed during the surgery.

Can you still have headaches after the tumor has been removed?

Yes you can because the scar tissue is healing from your brain surgery

Can a brain tumor go away on its own?

No, Usually they have to be removed by surgery. but get medical attention right away if you have a brain tumor. They are very serious, and can kill you!!

What does a brain surgeon do?

Yes, but obviously not all of it. In a hemispherechtomy half the brain is removed. This may seem drastic, but you can operate just fine with one side of your brain. This is usually done when one side of the brain is malfunctioning in such a way as to significantly distress or threaten the life of the patient. Sometimes bits of cortex (brain matter) is removed from those suffering from severe seizures. Most brain surgeons' work consists of traumatic injury, removing tumors or aneurysms.

When her right hemisphere of a brain is removed the child's brain cavity filled with?

The empty half will fill with cerebral spinal fluid.

What is the cost of brain surgery?

Brain surgery is expensive but it depends on a lot of factors such as complications after surgery and how long your hospital stay is. I had brain surgery in November of 2006 but I had complications that left my left side weaker than my right and was required to have extensive therapy and over a month and half hospital stay. Over all, my bills have reached close to $750,000 or more. That is not including prescription costs since my surgery.

What is cranial surgery?

Cranial surgery is a medical procedure that involves operating on the skull and the brain. It is performed to treat conditions such as brain tumors, aneurysms, traumatic brain injuries, and other brain-related problems. The surgery is typically performed by a specialized neurosurgeon.

Can your brain fall out if you fly too fast?

Unless you're half way through open brain surgery - no. Your skull is still an enclosed cavity and won't let your brain escape regardless of speed.

It's only done to treat really extreme cases of epilepsy but half of something is removed in a hemispherectomy What?
