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A subduction zone is a region where two tectonic plates converge and one plate is forced beneath the other into the Earth's mantle. This process can generate earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountain ranges. Subduction zones are associated with deep oceanic trenches and volcanic arcs.

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Q: What is the subdution zone?
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Mount St. Helens is near a subduction zone.

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Place where old crust is pushed down into a trench?

Subduction zone. This is where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, leading to the recycling of old crust back into the mantle. The process can create deep ocean trenches and volcanic activity.

Where is old crust pushed down into a trench?

subdution zone

What is subdution?

Subduction is the process where one tectonic plate moves underneath another plate at a convergent plate boundary. This process often leads to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes.

Why do volcanoes occur at a subdution zone?

the oceanic crust being subducted is Basaltic. It goes through changes from pressure and temperature as it ids subducted. It goes from basalt to Amphibolite and finally at 100km depth eclogite. At the 100 km a lot of the water is forced out of the rock allowing the surrounding area to liquidize. Since it is liquid it is less dense then the solid area and rises. as it reached into the Continental or ocean crust it melts the surrounding area, and magma rises forming a volcano.

What zone do electric eels live in?

-The Epipelagic zone (sunlight zone) -The Mesopelagic zone (twilight zone) -The Bathypelagic zone (midnight zone)

What zone does the squid live in out of the sunlight zone the Twilight Zone or the midnight zone?

midnight zone?

What is the possessive word for zone?

The possessive form of the noun zone is zone's.

Which zone is the Twilight Zone?

The twilight zone is the one under the sunlit zone

What are 5 Marine Ecosystems?

- the intertidal zone - the sublittoral zone - the bathyal zone - the abyssal zone and - the hadal zone

What are the five climate zones?

The polar zone, the mountain zone, the temperate zone, the tropical zone, and desert zone