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Q: What is the study evolution comparing the earliest stage of plants and animal growth called?
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The earliest horse ancestor was called Hyracotherium or Eohippus, which lived about 55 million years ago. It was a small, dog-sized mammal with multiple toes on its feet and lived in forests.

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Evolution! From Rosiiekaii

What is a scientist that studies animal life called?

A scientist that studies animal life is called a zoologist. They typically research various aspects of animal biology, behavior, habitats, and evolution.

What is the study of animals?

AnswerZoology is the study of animals and involves research in many aspects of animal life such as behavior, diet, evolution, classification, and distribution.

What is someone that studies evolution called?

Someone who studies evolution is called an evolutionary biologist.

Why heritable characeristic which helps an animal to live longer will generally tend to become more common in the population as a result of evolution by natural selection?

These are called adaptations.

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What is the type of speech comparing something to an inanimate object?

When an inanimate object is compared to an animal, it is called personification. When the object is given human characteristics specifically, it is called anthropomorphization.

Can you give me a sentence with the word evolution in it?

There is something called the evolution of science.

The gradual change in living things over long periods of time is called?

The gradual change in living things over long periods of time is called evolution. This process involves genetic variation, natural selection, and adaptation.

What is a change of a species over time called?

Evolution is a change in species over time.