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Chalcocite does not exhibit a streak because it is a soft mineral that usually leaves a black residue when streaked on a streak plate.

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Q: What is the streak of chalcocite?
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You are given a mineral sample that is metallic and leaves a gray streak what mineral is it?

Could be: Chalcocite, Galena, Molybdenite, Stibnite, or Jamesonite.

What metal is obtained from the ore chalcocite?

Chalcocite is a copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S), an important copper ore mineral

What are the formulas for copper1oxide nantokite copper1 chloride and chalcocite copper1 sulfide?

Copper(I) oxide - Cu2O - is the mineral cuprite.Copper(I) chloride - CuCl - is the mineral nantokite.Copper(I) sulfide - Cu2S - is the mineral chalcocite.

What is the exact percent composition of copper in pure chalcocite?

Chalcocite's chemical formula is Cu2S, meaning it consists of 80% copper and 20% sulfur by mass.

What compounds does chalcocite contain?

Chalcocite is a copper ore mineral that primarily contains copper sulfide (Cu2S) as its main compound. It may also contain small amounts of impurities such as iron (Fe) and sulfur (S).

Write formulas for these three compounds copperIoxide nantokite copper you chloride and chalcocite copper?

Copper(I) oxide (copper(I) oxide): Cu2O Nantokite (copper(I) chloride): CuCl Chalcocite (copper sulfide): Cu2S

Copper ore mineral coloured dark greyish black metallic lustre?


What rock contains chalcocite?

Chalcocite is commonly found in copper-rich ores, such as those found in the rocks of hydrothermal veins and in the oxidation zone of copper deposits. It is often associated with other copper minerals like chalcopyrite and bornite.

What mineral ore is copper contained in?

Copper is typically extracted from copper ores such as chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and malachite.

What is the streak of the mineral Jasper?

The streak of Jade is white.

What is perlite's streak color?

Perlite does not have a streak color because it is a volcanic glass that does not leave a streak on a streak plate.

What happens if you rub the mineral across a streak plate but the mineral does not leave a streak?

The lack of a streak would indicate that the mineral is harder than the streak plate, or the color of the streak is the same as the color of the streak plate.