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It is SANATANA DHARMA - This is the spiritual path of Hindusim. In fact this was the name of Hinduism earlier.

Sanatana Dharma, "The Law Eternal", is the more appropriate or rather the accurate name for the religion which is now known as "Hinduism". The word Hinduism is not the original name for the religion. It is a name acquired in later historic times, while the religion has been in existence since timeless beginning. This religion has its roots in the "Vedas" which are scriptures of the highest wisdom and which originated with creation itself. It was not a founded religion, it was based on revelations directly from God himself to the seers during their transcendental and intuitive communion with the Divine. It was the Dharma and code of life for men of Bharat or Aryavarta from times immemorial, i.e., from even the pre-historic and most antique ages.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The spiritual path in Hinduism is called "sanatana dharma" which means the eternal law or duty. It encompasses a wide range of spiritual practices, beliefs, and philosophies aimed at achieving self-realization and union with the divine. It emphasizes the concept of karma, dharma, and moksha as key aspects of spiritual growth.

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