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The speed of light. (It doesn't vary depending on altitude, or any other factor.)

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9mo ago

The speed of light in a vacuum is called the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

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Q: What is the speed of light at sea level called?
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What is the speed of light in machs?

The speed of light in machs is approximately 880,991 times the speed of sound in air at sea level. This means that the speed of light is approximately 880,991 machs.

How many mach are in the speed of light?

The speed of light in vacuum is about 874 thousand timesthe speed of sound at sea level.

What is the speed of sound and how does it compare to the speed of Light?

The speed of sound at sea level is about 343 m/s .That's about 0.0001441 of the speed of light in vacuum.The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s.That's about 874 thousand times the speed of sound at sea level.

What is the speed of light and sound in mph?

Speed of light (in vacuum)= approx 671,000,000 mph.Speed of sound (in air at sea level) = approx 760 mph.

Speed of light in gas and air at sea level?

The speed of light in gas (like air) is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. In air at sea level, the speed remains the same as the speed of light in a vacuum because air does not significantly affect the speed of light due to its low density.

How fast is the speed of sound at sea level?

761.207 mph at sea level.

Is the speed of sound 186000 miles per second?

No, the speed of light is 186,282.4 miles per second. The speed of sound at sea level is about 0.2114 miles per second.

What does Mach 2 look like at the speed of light?

Like a very, very, very slow thing. Mach 2 (in air at sea level) is approximately 2 millionths of the speed of light.

What is the speed of light in air in miles per second?

With an exhaustive internet search lasting literally seconds, I found that the refractive indexof air at sea level is 1.000293 . That was just what I was looking for. It tells us that the speedof light in sea-level air is (speed of light in vacuum) / (1.000293) .(186,282.397) / (1.000293) = 186,227.8 miles per second .

What is the air pressure at sea level called?

The air pressure at sea level is called atmospheric pressure.

What is the average speed for a sound wave at sea level?

The speed of sound has nothing to do with the sea level. It has much to do with the temperature. At 20°C the speed of sound is 343 m/s.

What is the level of the ocean's surface called?

The level of the ocean's surface is called sea level. It serves as the baseline for measuring elevation and depth.