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Q: What is the speed of a cruise ship in miles per hour?
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Does Angstrom measure the speed of ship?

No, Angstrom is a unit of length used to measure very small distances, such as the size of atoms and molecules. The speed of a ship is typically measured in units like kilometers per hour or nautical miles per hour.

If a cruise ship moves 6 inches and burn 1 gallon of fuel how much fuel does it burn in a 100 miles?

Assuming fuel consumption is consistent, if the cruise ship moves 6 inches and burns 1 gallon of fuel, it would burn 1 gallon every 6 inches. In 100 miles, there are 6,336,000 inches. Therefore, in 100 miles, the cruise ship would burn approximately 1,056,000 gallons of fuel.

How many hours from Philippines to Ethopia?

How are you travelling? Plane, cruise ship, car? Combination of all three? There are too many variables. Flight layovers, holidays, miles to drive, depart time of crusie ship.....

Can you bring beer and soda on cruise ship?

Typically, passengers are not allowed to bring their own alcohol or beverages on a cruise ship due to the ship's own onboard regulations. However, there may be exceptions for special occasions or specific cruise lines that allow you to bring a limited amount of alcohol. It is best to check with the cruise line's policies before attempting to bring your own beverages on board.

What does the measurement kt mean when referring to a ships speed?

"kt" stands for "knots," which is a unit of speed used in navigation and maritime contexts. One knot is equivalent to one nautical mile per hour, with a nautical mile being slightly longer than a regular mile. So, when a ship's speed is measured in knots, it indicates how many nautical miles the ship can travel in one hour.

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A cruise ship travels 1,260 miles in 36 hours. What is the cruise ship's rate of speed?

35 miles per hour

What is the cruising range for a cruise ship?

Most cruise liners have a cruising speed that ranges between 22 and 31 knots. A cruising speed of 26 knots is about 30 miles per hour.

Can a ship travel 500 miles per hour?

No. The world's fastest cruise ship, Royal Olympic Cruises' Olympic Voyager, averages only 27 knots (about 30 MPH). The water speed record is only 317.596 miles per hour.

Does cruise ship travel faster than a car?

No. Cruise ship speed is usually measured in knots - as in 20 knots top speed. To go 20 knots/hour is about like going 22 mph.

How long does it take a cruise ship to travel 1280 miles?

This will vary based on the cruise ship and how fast it is going. Most cruise ships travel at the speed of 21 to 24 knots per hour. 1 knot = 1.15 mph. 21 knots is equal to 24.15 mph so it would take you approximately 53 hours to travel 1280 miles.

How many miles per hour does a cruise ship travel?

A cruise ship travels 1950 miles per trip. The ship makes a total of 4 stops, and the distance to the first stop is 460 miles. If the variable d stands for the distance left to travel after the first stop, which of the following units could apply to this variable?

A cruise ship is traveling at a rate of 20 miles per hour what would be a direct variation formula to calculate the miles traveled for each hour if you use 't' for time and 'm' for miles?

The formula is: m=20t

How long does it take a cruise ship to travel 10 miles?

That cannot be calculated without knowing the average speed over that distance.

How much food is used on a cruise ship?

5050kg a hour

Heading north with the Gulf Stream a cruise ship traveled 300 miles in 15 hours against the current it took 30 hours to make the return trip what is the speed of the ship in still water?

15 miles

How fast is a cruises ship?

Different ships have different cruising speeds, most cruise ships cruise at about 20 to 25 knots (37 to 46 km/h) Cruise speed is the most fuel efficient speed, not the fastest speed a ship can go.

How fast was the Nina?

The Nina was one of Christopher Columbus' three ships. Because the Nina was a type of ship called a caravel, its average speed was about 4.5 miles per hour. and its top speed was 8 miles per hour.