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Light energy is used . Sun is the source

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Q: What is the source of energy used by the chloroplast?
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Related questions

Is chloroplast in plant or animal?

Chloroplast are in plant. It is used in turning sunlight energy into chemical energy.

What is the energy for the process for chloroplast photosynthesis?

It is the sunlight. Sun is the energy source.

What is the role of chlorophyll inside chloroplast's?

That is to capture energy. This energy is used to synthezise glucose

What is it energy that is captured by the chloroplast for photosynthesis?

I'm learning about this in living environment right now. Chloroplast uses the energy from the sun that is captured to make carbohydrates. Hope this helped!

Does chloroplast supply energy to eukaryotic cell?

Indirectly,the answer is yes.It capture energy from sunlight.This energy is used in plant.

What plant organelle converts light into sugar?

Chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy.Process is called photosynthesis.

What happens to energy in photosynthesis?

The energy in photosynthesis is used to make Glucose (sugar).

What is the source of energy used by the mitochondria?

The source of energy used by mitochondria is ATP.

What would the chloroplast of a mall be?

The chloroplast of a mall would be like the food court, where photosynthesis occurs. This is where energy (food) is produced for the mall (plant) by converting sunlight (energy source) into sugars. It is essential for the overall function and survival of the mall (plant).

What energy transformations take place in the chloroplast?

In the chloroplast, light energy is transformed into chemical energy during the process of photosynthesis. This chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose, which can be later used by the plant for cellular respiration to produce ATP for energy.

What energy source is used most?

fule fossile is the most used energy source

What source of energy used in stove?

The source of energy in stoves is HEAT ENERGY