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A Heterotroph is any organism that is unable to synthesize its own food as opposed to autotrophs (e.g. plants, algae) which in most cases gain all of their 'food' from energy from the sun. Because heterotrophs cannot produce their own food, they must ingest organic matter by eating plants or animals that already contain energy.

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Heterotrophs get energy from other organisms.

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Q: What is the source of energy for all heterotrophs?
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What is the source of all energy in an energy pyramid?

The sun. Which is absorbed by autotrophs and They are in turn eaten by heterotrophs

What is the source of the energy in an energy pyramid?

The sun. Which is absorbed by autotrophs and They are in turn eaten by heterotrophs

How heterotrophs depend on the sun sun for energy?

Heterotrophs depend on the sun for energy because they eat other hetertophs and autotrophs. As you know autotrophs eat plants sp when a heterotroph eats one, it gets the energy. Or it receives it directly by eating the plants/autotrphs. I hope this answered your question. -Skylar =P OR~ The ultimate source is where the energy came from originally. Heterotrophs get their energy from autotrophs, which get their energy from the sun. So, that means the original (or ultimate) source of energy is the sun.

How is the ultimate source of energy for heterotrophs the sun even though they cannot make their own food?

Heterotrophs obtain energy indirectly from the sun through the food they consume. Autotrophs, such as plants, capture the sun's energy through photosynthesis and convert it into organic compounds. Heterotrophs then feed on these autotrophs, transferring the stored energy up the food chain.

What food molecule is used by heterotrophs to make energy?

Heterotrophs use glucose as a food molecule to make energy through a process called cellular respiration. Glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce ATP, the primary energy source for cells.

How do you heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs depend on the sun for energy because they eat other hetertophs and autotrophs. As you know autotrophs eat plants sp when a heterotroph eats one, it gets the energy. Or it receives it directly by eating the plants/autotrphs. I hope this answered your question. -Skylar =P OR~ The ultimate source is where the energy came from originally. Heterotrophs get their energy from autotrophs, which get their energy from the sun. So, that means the original (or ultimate) source of energy is the sun.

What do autotrophs make that heterotrophs need?

Autotrophs make organic molecules through photosynthesis that heterotrophs, such as animals, depend on as a food source for energy. These organic molecules include sugars and carbohydrates that heterotrophs consume to fuel their metabolic processes.

Hetertroph photo and chemo?

Heterotrophs obtain their energy and nutrients by consuming organic matter. Photoheterotrophs use light as their energy source to fuel metabolism, while chemoheterotrophs rely on chemical compounds as their energy source. Both types of heterotrophs must consume organic material to obtain carbon for growth and reproduction.

How do autographs differ from heterotrophs in obtaining energy?

First of all, autographs and heterotrophs are not even closely related. Heterotrophs obtain energy by consuming organic matter of other organisms, either living or deceased. Autotrophs obtain energy by capturing it from sunlight (photosynthesis) or capturing chemical energy (chemosynthesis).

Where does cellular respiration occur in heterotrophs and and photosynthesis in autotrophs?

heterotrophs eat other organisms because they can not make their own food. so they obtain their energy by braking down their food to a simpler state through the process of respiration so yes heterotrophs preform respiration

What are some similarities between autotrophs and heterotrophs?

Both autotrophs and heterotrophs are organisms that require energy to carry out life processes. They both participate in nutrient cycles within ecosystems and play a role in maintaining the balance of energy flow. Additionally, both autotrophs and heterotrophs are part of the food web and interact with other organisms within their environment.

How do autotrophs and heterotrophs differ?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, while heterotrophs rely on consuming other organisms for food. Autotrophs are able to convert energy from the environment into food, whereas heterotrophs must consume organic matter to obtain energy.