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"Wringer", a novel by Jerry Spinelli, does not have a specific solution as it is a work of fiction. The story follows a young boy named Palmer who struggles with the ethical dilemma of participating in a pigeon shoot. The resolution of the story involves Palmer making a decision about what he believes is right and taking a stand.

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Who wrote the book wringer?

Jerry Spinelli wrote the book Wringer.

Who is the author of the novel Wringer?

Jerry Spinelli is the author of the novel "Wringer".

Is the book wringer the same thing as the series on TV show wringer?

No they are not the same

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Is there a movie to wringer by Jerry Spinelli?

No, the novel "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli has not been adapted into a movie.

What is a Wringer?

A wringer is a device for drying laundry, consisting of two rollers between which the wet laundry is squeezed.

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In the book "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli, Beans' real name is Matthew.

What is muttos cats name in wringer?

In the book "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli, the main character's cat is named Mutton.

What is the real name of mutto in the book wringer?

The real name of Mutto in the book "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli is George LaFayette.

How do wringer washers work?

Wringer washers work by using a combination of a agitator to move the clothes around in soapy water and a wringer mechanism to squeeze out excess water from the clothes after washing. The wringer consists of two rollers that rotate as the clothes pass through them, effectively removing water from the fabric. This manual process requires the user to feed clothes through the wringer after washing to help speed up the drying process.

Does Palmer LaRue become a wringer?
