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The smaller area in the retina where light passing through the lens is focused is called the fovea. It contains a high concentration of cone cells, which are responsible for detailed central vision and color perception.

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Q: What is the smaller area in the retina on which light passing through the lens?
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Related questions

What is the outer portion of the eye through which light passes to retina?

That part is called as pupil. Through this aperture the light goes in to retina.

When images pass through our eyes why do they appear upside down on the back of your eye?

The light (in the form of photons) travel in a straight line, passing through the pupil and striking the retina. If you imagine the path the light is taking while you look at a tall object, light from the top will be angled down and strike the bottom of your retina, while light from the bottom will strike the top. That's they they appear upside down at the back of the eye.

What part of eye does light pass?

through the lens to the retina

Where are light signals that pass through the eye interpreted?


What is the pathway that light travels as it enters the eye?

Light enters the eye through the cornea, passes through the pupil, gets focused by the lens, and is projected onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina then converts this light into electrical signals that are sent to the brain through the optic nerve for further processing.

Does the lens in your eye attract light first?

No part of the eye "attracts" light. Light enters the eye by passing through the cornea and the aqueous humour before getting to the lens. After being focused by the lens, light passes through the vitreous humour to the retina.

Parts through which light passes as it enters the eye?

As light enters the eye, it passes through the cornea, the aqueous humor, the lens, and finally reaches the retina. These structures help to focus and transmit the incoming light to the photoreceptor cells in the retina where the visual signals are initiated.

Name the sequence of all the transparent materials in the human eye that light passes through on its way to the retina?

Lens, Cornea, Humerus focus light into the retina

When light travels through a pair of eyeglasses is it reflected or refracted?

Refracted. Light passing through is refracted, light bouncing off of is reflected.

What effect has the condenser lens on light rays passing through it?

The condenser adjusts the amount of light passing through the specimen.

What does a beam of light pass throgh to get to the retina?

To reach the retina, a beam of light passes through the cornea, aqueous humor, pupil, lens, and vitreous humor in the eye. These structures help to focus the light onto the retina at the back of the eye where visual information is processed.

What is the order in which light passes through your eye?

Light enters the eye through the cornea, then passes through the pupil and the lens to finally reach the retina at the back of the eye. The retina then sends signals to the brain through the optic nerve for visual processing.