The urethral opening is protected by the labia minora, while the vaginal opening is protected by the hymen. Both structures provide a physical barrier to prevent infections and injuries to the openings.
The vestibule in females functions as the entryway to the vaginal canal. It contains the urethral opening and vaginal opening, serving as a passageway for urine, menstrual fluids, and facilitating sexual intercourse.
The eight sexual structures of the female reproductive system are the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, urethral opening, vagina, and cervix.
The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract used for excretion. It contains sensitive nerve endings that can provide pleasure when stimulated. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining bowel control by helping to hold in stool until it is socially appropriate to release it.
The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where waste (feces) is expelled from the body. It is a muscular valve that helps control bowel movements and plays a role in maintaining continence. The anus also contains nerve endings that can sense pressure and temperature.
A urethral opening is the opening of the end of the penis to comes out the sperm cell and the bladder. =)
The urethral opening in males excretes urine and sperm.
Epispadias - is a congenital abnormality of the urethral opening. In the male with epispadias, the urethral opening is located on the upper surface of the penis. In the female with epispadias, the urethral opening is in the region of the clitoris.
The Sweet spot might be viewed as an overall edgy region along the entire length of the urethra running along the front vaginal wall. Grafenberg detailed that the advanced stroking of the front vagina along the urethra, particularly in the locale of the foundation of the bladder, physically stirred female subjects extraordinarily.
The external opening of the urethra is called the meatus or urethral meatus.
This is the external opening of the urethra.
The urethral opening.
The external opening is the urethra. Not really. The urethra is the tube that leads from the bladder. The opening is called the urethral opening.
The urethral opening is where urine is expelled from the body. It serves as the exit point for urine from the urinary bladder to the external environment.
That would be urine.
Urine,just like in males.