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The Sun is nothing but a microscopic object compared to the largest star in our Milky Way.

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6d ago

The Sun is considered an average-sized star compared to other stars in the Milky Way galaxy. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, also known as a yellow dwarf star. There are stars much larger and much smaller than the Sun in our galaxy.

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Q: What is the size of Sun as compared to other stars of Milky way?
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Where is our sun and solar system in the milky way galaxy?

Our sun, also known as Sol, is of average size as stars go. Much larger stars exist in our galaxy, as well as much smaller stars.

How does the size temperature age and brightness of the sun compaare to other stars in the milky way galaxy?

The Sun is an average-sized star in the Milky Way galaxy. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, which means it is relatively stable in terms of brightness and temperature. Compared to other stars, the Sun is middle-aged at about 4.6 billion years old and has a luminosity that is brighter than most stars in our galaxy.

How does the sun compare in size and color to other stars in the galaxy?

The Sun is a medium-sized star compared to others in the galaxy. It is classified as a yellow dwarf star, emitting a yellow-white light. There are stars much larger and smaller, as well as hotter and cooler, throughout the Milky Way galaxy.

If the sun were the size of a grapefruit how big would the milky way galaxy be?

If the sun were the size of a grapefruit, the Milky Way galaxy would be roughly the size of the United States. This vast galaxy is estimated to be about 100,000 light-years in diameter, containing billions of stars, planets, and other celestial objects.

A star the size of your sun will never be a blackhole?

That is correct. A star the size of our Sun will not form a black hole when it dies. Instead, it will likely become a white dwarf. Black holes are typically formed from the remnants of more massive stars.

Related questions

Where is our sun and solar system in the milky way galaxy?

Our sun, also known as Sol, is of average size as stars go. Much larger stars exist in our galaxy, as well as much smaller stars.

How does the size temperature age and brightness of the sun compaare to other stars in the milky way galaxy?

The Sun is an average-sized star in the Milky Way galaxy. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, which means it is relatively stable in terms of brightness and temperature. Compared to other stars, the Sun is middle-aged at about 4.6 billion years old and has a luminosity that is brighter than most stars in our galaxy.

Size of stars in the center of Milky Way galaxy?

We cannot see the center of the Milky Way galaxy, because it is hidden by clouds of interstellar gas. However, there is reason to believe that there are no stars at the center of the Milky Way, but only a supermassive black hole.

What is the size of the stars compared to planets?

Most stars are bigger than any planet.

Where is Sirius in the milky way galaxy?

Find Orion's Belt, and follow its line of stars down to the left and you will find Sirius. It is unmistakeable. It is easily visible in the winter but not summer. Altenatively, look for the brightest thing other than the moon, and you've found it.

What shines continuously in space?

Stars shine continuously in space due to the nuclear fusion reactions happening in their cores, which produce energy and light. This light travels through space and can be observed from great distances, giving stars their characteristic shine.

Is the Sun the smallest star in the Milky Way?

No. The sun is actually in the top 5% of stars in terms of size.

Dwarf planets in the milky way?

No one knows. Astronomers are scanning the visible stars of our own Milky Way galaxy for planets orbiting faraway stars, but such planets would have to be nearly the size of Jupiter to be detected at such distances

How dos your solar system campare to the size of the milky way galaxy?

When compared to the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy,the diameter of our solar system is very nearly zero.

Size of Andromeda galaxy?

Mass similar to our own Milky Way; about a trillion stars; diameter estimated at 140,000 light-years.Mass similar to our own Milky Way; about a trillion stars; diameter estimated at 140,000 light-years.Mass similar to our own Milky Way; about a trillion stars; diameter estimated at 140,000 light-years.Mass similar to our own Milky Way; about a trillion stars; diameter estimated at 140,000 light-years.

If the sun were the size of a grapefruit how big would the milky way galaxy be?

If the sun were the size of a grapefruit, the Milky Way galaxy would be roughly the size of the United States. This vast galaxy is estimated to be about 100,000 light-years in diameter, containing billions of stars, planets, and other celestial objects.

Compared to your sun how large are the largest stars?

our sun would be the size of Jupiter to the other suns because of their size, this is also a bad thing because they would 'die' soon too.=]