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The gas giant, Neptune, is considerably larger than the Earth, having about 3.9 times the surface area of the Earth.

Neptune-49,620 km

Earth-12,756 km

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Q: What is the size comparison of Earth and Neptune?
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Which is an comparison of earth and neptune?

The earth is the fourth smallest planet (by volume) and Neptune is the fourth largest.

What is Neptune's gravitation in relation to earth?

The surface gravity of the earth can be expressed as 1 g. In comparison, the surface gravity on Neptune at the equator is 1.14g.

Is planet earth the same size as neptune?

No. Neptune is much larger than Earth.

How big is the Earth compared to Neptune?

Earth is small compared to Neptune

Is Neptune's size relative to earth?

Neptune is about 3.88 times larger than the Earth, so about 58.5 Earths could fit inside Neptune.

Are the outer planets the same size as earth?

No, the outer planets in our solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are much larger than Earth. Jupiter is the largest planet, followed by Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is much smaller in comparison to these gas giants.

What is about the same size as what other planet?

Earth is a similar size to Venus (Earth is a bit bigger). Neptune and Uranus are also of a similar size.

What is to the temperature difference between earth and Neptune?

Neptune's temperature is around 72 degrees Kelvin, which is about 200 degrees colder than the Earth. Neptune is far further from the sun and as such is a much colder planet than earth.

Compared to the size of the earth the Jovian planets are?

Compared to the size of Earth, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are much larger in size. They are called "Jovian" because they are similar in size and composition to Jupiter. Jovian planets are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases and have thick atmospheres, making them significantly bigger than Earth.

Which is heavier Neptune or Earth?

Neptune is heavier than Earth. Neptune has a higher mass due to its larger size and higher density compared to Earth.

What two planets are close in size?

Venus and Earth are similar in size. Uranus and Neptune are also of a similar size, but both much larger than Earth and Venus.

What planet is least like earth in size and comparison?

Pluto. It is the 9th planet from the sun and it is very different then Earth in size and temperature