The silver substance that glows from a creature's eyes is typically referred to as tapetum lucidum. It is a reflective layer behind the retina in the eyes of many nocturnal animals that helps them see better in low light conditions by reflecting light back through the retina.
Vampires, being fictional creatures, can have any eye color that the author or creator decides. There is no definitive rule stating that vampires must have brown eyes. Eye color can vary based on the individual portrayal of the vampire in different works of fiction.
The substance that gives skin and hair its pigment is called melanin. It is produced by cells called melanocytes and determines the color of our skin, hair, and eyes.
Dilute silver nitrate is used when applied to the eyes because concentrated silver nitrate can be highly caustic and can cause severe damage to the delicate tissues of the eye. Diluting it reduces its potency and lowers the risk of harm. Additionally, dilute solutions are better tolerated by the eye, making them safer to use for certain medical procedures or treatments.
Creatures in the abyssal zone have adaptations such as bioluminescence to navigate in the darkness, reduced energy metabolism to survive with low food availability, and pressure-resistant bodies to withstand the high water pressure in the deep ocean. Many abyssal zone creatures also have large eyes to capture as much light as possible in the dark environment.
The white milky substance that comes out of you may be semen, breast milk, or vaginal discharge, depending on the context and location. Each substance serves a different purpose in the body.
The cats eyes reflect the light.
Red eyes green dragon.
hes very mad for some reason!
Silver nitrate (AgNO3)
just put two eyes, two legs, a mouth (sticker or magic,) and a brain to a material. If is a bad guy you can lethalise it. If it is on LBP1 you will get the Frankenstein Trophy (Silver)
Jacqueline Wilson has blue eyes.
"The Girl with the Silver Eyes" by Willo Davis Roberts was first published in 1980.
The mousie eyes are by the silver necklace. The mouse's head is touching the silver necklace. The silver necklace is by the red purse.
Her eyes are between being blue and silver.
a coulour of a flies eyes is a black with a hint of silver