In the cochlear (organ responsible for hearing) and the vestibular apparatus (organ responsible for balance-sense) the sensory neuron is called a 'hair-cell'. Its name is related to the appearance of the cell, which contains hair like projections on the apical surface called 'stereocilia'.
The sensory neurons of the ear are known as hair cells. These specialized cells are responsible for converting sound waves into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. Hair cells are located in the cochlea of the inner ear and play a critical role in our ability to hear.
The sensory neuron cell bodies are located in clusters called ganglia. These ganglia can be found either outside the spinal cord (dorsal root ganglia for most spinal nerves) or within the sensory organs themselves (such as in the eye or ear).
Sensory neuron
A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.
Sound waves stimulate hair cells in the inner ear, causing them to bend. This bending opens ion channels, allowing ion flow that generates an electrical signal. This signal then triggers the sensory neuron to transmit information to the brain for processing.
Between the sensory neuron and the motor neuron lies the interneuron. Interneurons communicate and process information within the central nervous system, helping to integrate and coordinate sensory inputs with appropriate motor outputs.
The sensory neuron cell bodies are located in clusters called ganglia. These ganglia can be found either outside the spinal cord (dorsal root ganglia for most spinal nerves) or within the sensory organs themselves (such as in the eye or ear).
Motor Neuron and Sensory Neuron
Sensory neuron
Sensory receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and muscle.
Motor neuron has got a motor.. but you have to peddle sensory neurons.
A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.
Bipolar neuron
sensory neuron
What connects sensory and motor neuron is the impulse called interneuron or connector neuron are connected by means of electrical impulse called synape from sensory to motor neuron.
sensory neuron or receptor neuron.
Sound waves stimulate hair cells in the inner ear, causing them to bend. This bending opens ion channels, allowing ion flow that generates an electrical signal. This signal then triggers the sensory neuron to transmit information to the brain for processing.
The sensory receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, and effector involved in a reflex form a reflex arc. This is a neural pathway that controls a reflex action in response to a stimulus without conscious thought.