white mice are the albinos of house mice
their scientific name is Mus Musculus
The scientific name for white blood cells is leukocytes.
The scientific name of White prairie clover is Dalea candida. It belongs to the plant family Fabaceae.
The scientific name for the white angel fish is Genicanthus caudovittatus.
The scientific name of the camia plant is Hedychium coronarium.
A scientific name is a two-part name given to each species, consisting of the genus name followed by the species name. For example, the scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens, with Homo being the genus name and sapiens the species name. Another example is Canis lupus, the scientific name for the gray wolf, with Canis being the genus name and lupus the species name.
Mouse breeders call white mice PEW (pink-eyed white) or BEW (black-eyed white). The scientific species name of mice, both wild house mice and pet fancy mice, is mus musculus.
Judo Vicilanius
The scientific name of the white mouse is Mus musculus.
The scientific name of a white orchid is Phalaenopsis amabilis.
The scientific name of white angel plant is Caladium bicolor.
The scientific name for the Great White pelican is Pelecanus onocrotalus
The scientific name of White wolves are: Canis Lupus Arctos
Wrightia antidysenterica is the scientific name of the white angel plant.
the scientific name of a white tailed deer is Odocoileus virginianus.
The scientific name for the white heron is Egretta alba.
The scientific name for white blood cells is leukocytes.
The scientific name for the Great White Shark is Carcharodon carcharias.