Family : Arecaceae (=Palmaceae)
Genus : Areca
Species : catechu
Genus Juglans. There are many different species in this genus; you'd have to be more specific to identify which one you mean.The English walnut tree is Juglans regia. Black walnuts comprise a lot of different species, but probably the most common in the US is Juglans nigra, the Eastern Black Walnut. The Small Black Walnut in Texas is Juglans microcarpa, and a species is native to California as well (Juglans californica).
A white walnut tree is commonly known as a butternut tree. Its scientific name is Juglans cinerea.
The scientific name of the katakataka plant is Murraya koenigii.
The scientific name of gladiolus plant is Gladiolus spp.
The scientific name for plant bug is Miridae.
The scientific name for black walnut is Juglans nigra.
The scientific name of the black beauty egg plant is Solanum melongena.
Genus Juglans. There are many different species in this genus; you'd have to be more specific to identify which one you mean.The English walnut tree is Juglans regia. Black walnuts comprise a lot of different species, but probably the most common in the US is Juglans nigra, the Eastern Black Walnut. The Small Black Walnut in Texas is Juglans microcarpa, and a species is native to California as well (Juglans californica).
Juglansnigra, I found it on
The Hindi name for black walnut is "เคเคพเคฒเฅ เค เคเคฐเฅเค" (kali akhrot).
Walnut is the common name, Juglans is the scientific name, see link below.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Sarcobatus vermiculatus.
The scientific name would be Aleurites trisperma.
The accepted scientific name is Datana integerrima.
The accepted scientific name is Laothoe juglandis.
Juglans regia
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rudbeckia hirta.