Microphylla is the scientific name for 'small leaved'. It comes from the Greek for '[having] small or tiny leaves'. The word isn't used just to describe small leaved shrubs. So for example, it also may be used in regard to 'small leaved' trees.
The scientific name of lagundi is Vitex negundo.
'Botanical garden' is the name of the place where trees, shrubs and even non-woody annuals and perennials may be found growing. An older but still used term is 'arboretum', which specifies trees. Shrubs also may be found there if their mature height is 30 feet [9.144 meters], as small trees. But technically, shrubs should have their own exhibition space in a 'fructicetum', which comes from the Latin 'frutex'for 'shrub'.
The scientific name for pomegranate, or anar, is Punica granatum. It is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree in the family Lythraceae.
The manna-producing genus of desert shrubs is Tamarix.
The genus (or first part of the scientific name) for bougainvillea is actually "bougainvillea." There are several species, including Bougainvillea glabra, which if you are in the southern United States, this is most likely the horticultural species you will find.If in South America, there are species called Bougainvillea peruviana and Bougainvillea spinosa.Bougainvillea glabra
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Ficus benjamina.
The scientific name of the five leaved chastee tree is called the Vitex negundo. The five leaved chastee tree is a large native shrub.
Salix amygdaloides
The scientific name would be Casimiroa tetrameria.
The scientific name would be Carica quercifolia.
Listera smallii is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Kidney-leaved Twayblade.Specifically, a scientific name brings together at least two words. The first word indicates the genus, which honors Dr. Martin Lister (1638? - 1712). The second word spotlights the species as honoring the achievements of scientist John Kunkle Small.
The scientific name would be Passiflora vitifolia.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Solidago flexcaulis.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Euthamia graminifolia.
The scientific name of azalea is Rhododendron. It is a genus of shrubs and small trees in the heath family (Ericaceae) that includes both deciduous and evergreen species.
Habenaria orbiculata is the scientific name of the Round-leaved Orchid.Specifically, the genus is the first part of the binomial, Latin or scientific name. It honors the plant's membership among the wild bog orchids. The species is the second part of the scientific name. It honors the round shape of the plant's leaves.
Orchis spectabilis is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Two-leaved Orchid.Specifically, a scientific name has at least two words. The first word indicates that the genus is that of the orchids, Orchis. The second word maintains that the species is outstanding, spectabilis.