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DNA and RNA both have adenine,guanine,cytosine as nitrogenous base component of nucleic acids. both give absorption maxima at 260nm due to this structural similarity.

Both have same phosphodiester bonds connectng the nucleotide monomers. This is why both can be cleaved by same phosphodiesterases.

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Both DNA and RNA are nucleic acids that contain nucleotides made up of a sugar phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases. They both play key roles in genetic information storage and transmission within cells.

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What do DNA and RNA have that are the same?

Neuclaic acid

Which is longer a strand of RNA or a strand of DNA?

Normally DNA and RNA are the same length. However RNA has only one half of the two usually duplicate genetic strands of DNA

What are the bases for RNA?

The bases for RNA are Adenine, Guanine, Uracil and Cytosine. A, G and C are exactly the same as in DNA. Uracil in RNA replaces Thymine in DNA.

What is the nitrogen base in RNA that is not found in DNA?

Uracil is in RNA and Thyramine is in DNA, the other nitrogen bases are the same In RNA Adenine is complementary to Uracil and Guanine is complementary to cytocine In DNA Adenine is complementarty to Tyramine and Guanine is complentary to cytocine

Did RNA and DNA form at the same time?

yes, in about 1960

What enzyme transcribes DNA?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for transcribing DNA into RNA during the process of transcription.

What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Many viruses have nucleotides not found in DNA or RNA, such as Retroviruses like HIV that use reverse transcriptase to convert RNA into DNA for replication.

What are 2 ways DNA is different from DNA?

DNA is the same thing as DNA. If you mean RNA, that's a whole nother ball game.

What are the similarities between rna polymerase and DNA polymerase?

Both RNA and DNA form in the same manner. They add bases to the 3' end of the base to form a polymer.

What is the substance in RNA but not DNA?

An uracil base is in RNA but not in DNA

What are the three main differences in RNA and DNA?

DNA nucleotides contain the sugar deoxyribose. RNA nucleotides contain the sugar ribose. DNA contains the nitrogen bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. RNA contains the same nitrogen bases, except for thymine. RNA contains the nitrogen base uracil in place of thymine. DNA is a double-stranded molecule, whereas RNA is single-stranded.

Are DNA and RNA carbohydrates?

Yes, DNA and RNA have different sugar . DNA contains deoxyribose sugar whereas RNA consists of ribose sugar, which are completely different from each other.