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Q: What is the rotation time for mercury in hours?
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What is mercury's rotation in earth hours?

It is 1408 hours.

What is the ratio of the period of rotation between mercury and Neptune?

The ratio of the periods of rotation between Mercury and Neptune is about 0.27. Mercury has a rotation period of about 59 Earth days, while Neptune has a rotation period of about 16 Earth hours.

How long is it take for mercury to rotate?

58 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes is the time for one rotation on Mercury.

How many hours in one day to planet mercury?

Mercury has a rotation period of 58.646 days.

How long is a one day rotation for mercury?

Mercury takes about 59 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis. This is longer than its orbital period around the sun, which is about 88 Earth days.

What is Mercury's time?

Mercury's rotation period is 59 Earth days.

Which planet has the shortest rotation time?


What is the rotation time for mercury?

58.6 days.

Which planets takes the shortest time to complete one revolution?

Mercury takes the shortest time to complete one revolution around the sun, with an orbital period of about 88 Earth days.

What time it takes mercury to revolve?

Mercury takes approximately 59 Earth days to complete one full orbit around the Sun. This period is known as its orbital period or year.

How many hours on day in mercury?

A Mercury day (sidereal rotation period) is 58.646 earth days = 1407.5 hours.

How many hours in a day in Mercury?

There are approximately 1,408 hours in a day on Mercury. This is because Mercury has a rotation period of about 58.6 Earth days, which means it takes that long for the planet to complete one full rotation on its axis.