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A windblown spore finds a area with adequate moisture and nutrients will develop hair like structure. On the medium the mold produces a fruiting structure called conidia.

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Q: What is the root-like structure of a mold?
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What has a rootlike structure?


Are rootlike structure found in bryophytes?

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Rhizoids are the thin rootlike structures in moss that anchor the plant to the substrate and absorb water and nutrients. They are not true roots but serve a similar function in moss.

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Holdfast is the bundle of rootlike strands that attaches algae to rocks.

What is rootlike structure that anchor moss is called?

The root like structure of a moss are called "Rhizoids" and the root-like structures on a fern are called "Rhizomes", fungi roots are called mycorrhiza.

What are rootlike structures found in bryophyte?

They are called rhizoids.

What is the single structure with many nuclei produced by an acellular slime mold known as?

The single structure with many nuclei produced by an acellular slime mold is called a plasmodium. This structure is a large, multinucleate mass of protoplasm that forms during the vegetative phase of the slime mold's life cycle.

What do you called where Mosses get water through rootlike threads?

Mosses absorb water through their rootlike structures called rhizoids. These structures anchor the moss to the substrate and aid in water and nutrient uptake.

What is a rootlike hypha of a zygomycete?

A rootlike hypha of a zygomycete is called a rhizoid. Rhizoids anchor the fungi to the substrate and help with nutrient absorption. These structures are nonseptate and play a significant role in the fungal life cycle.

Does mold have cell organization?

Yes, mold has a cellular structure organized into multicellular filaments called hyphae. These hyphae grow and branch to form a network called a mycelium, which is characteristic of mold growth.

What is the single structure with many nuclei produced by an acellular slime mold is what?


What structure of an acellular slime mold is simlar to the colony of cellular slime molds?
