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Q: What is the role of the tissues and cells in the digestion system?
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What role does tissue and cell play in digestion?

Tissues in the digestive system, like the mucosa and submucosa, help with nutrient absorption and secretion of digestive enzymes. Cells such as epithelial cells line the gastrointestinal tract and aid in nutrient transport. Overall, tissues and cells work together to facilitate digestion, absorption, and processing of nutrients in the body.

The endocrine system has no direct role in?

The endocrine system has no direct role in?A. SexualB. Sensory perceptionC. MetabolismD. Composition of blood and bones

Can humans live without stem cells?

No, humans cannot live without stem cells. Stem cells are crucial for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues in the body. They play a vital role in replenishing cells and tissues continuously throughout life.

What is the purpose of stem cells in an adult?

Stem cells in adults serve as a repair system, replenishing specialized cells in tissues where damage or turnover occurs. They have the ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types to help maintain and repair the body. The presence of stem cells in adult tissues plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration and homeostasis.

What enable human body to perform different functions?

The human body is able to perform different functions due to its complex system of organs, tissues, and cells that work together. These functions are regulated by the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, which coordinate processes such as movement, digestion, respiration, and reproduction. Each organ has a specific role in maintaining homeostasis and supporting overall health and function.

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No, the spleen is not an accessory organ of digestion. It plays a role in filtering blood, storing blood cells, and supporting the immune system by producing antibodies.

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What role does the esophagus play in the digestion system?

it sends broken down food to the stomach for digestion

The endocrine system has no direct role in?

The endocrine system has no direct role in?A. SexualB. Sensory perceptionC. MetabolismD. Composition of blood and bones

Can humans live without stem cells?

No, humans cannot live without stem cells. Stem cells are crucial for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues in the body. They play a vital role in replenishing cells and tissues continuously throughout life.

What role do B-cells play in the immune system?

the cells of mothers

Where are white blood cells in the human body?

White blood cells are found throughout the body, primarily in the blood and lymphatic system. They can also be found in tissues like the spleen, thymus, and bone marrow. White blood cells play a crucial role in the immune system by defending the body against infections and foreign invaders.

What is the purpose of stem cells in an adult?

Stem cells in adults serve as a repair system, replenishing specialized cells in tissues where damage or turnover occurs. They have the ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types to help maintain and repair the body. The presence of stem cells in adult tissues plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration and homeostasis.

What enable human body to perform different functions?

The human body is able to perform different functions due to its complex system of organs, tissues, and cells that work together. These functions are regulated by the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, which coordinate processes such as movement, digestion, respiration, and reproduction. Each organ has a specific role in maintaining homeostasis and supporting overall health and function.

What is the role of digestive system?

The digestive system are the organs that mediates the break down of ingested food into usable compounds for metabolic and growth. The complex food carbohydrates, fats and proteins are enzymatically converted into simpler substances that cells can absorb and use. The process of digestion involves five processes; ingestion, chemical and mechanical digestion, absorption, and elimination.

What is the role of pharynx in digestion?

The pharynx acts as a passageway for both air and food. (Plays a very key role in the digestive system)

Where is hydrochloric acid secreted in the digestive system?

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach. These cells are located in the gastric glands lining the stomach wall. Hydrochloric acid plays a key role in the digestion of food by creating an acidic environment in the stomach.