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I do not have real-time or past data access. Please let me know if you have any specific query or need information on a particular topic.

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Q: What is the result of yesterday at 9.00 pm?
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When did the moon rise yesterday?

I'm unable to provide real-time or historical data on celestial events like moonrise. I recommend checking a reliable weather or astronomy website for this information.

If you finish something at 812 pm what time did you start?


When did they last see a kraken?

I think yesterday morning at 8 pm

Which movie was shown yesterday on Disney channel at 8 pm?

the wild

How many hours between 900 pm and 100 pm?

There are 16 hours from 9 PM to 1 PM the next day.

It is 900 PM in Missouri what time is it in Oregon?

7 PM Pacific Standard time

When was the last shuttle launched?

Shortly after 6 PM yesterday, July 15/09.

What time did the president speak yesterday?

5:00 pm wasington d.c time

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900 pm est is what time in Tucson?

900 pm EST is 7:00 pm MST in Tucson. Tucson is in the Mountain Standard Time (MST) zone, which is 2 hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST).

What comes on at 900 pm on cartoon network?

The Cleveland show

If it 7 pm what was the time 20 hours ago in eastern time?

If it's 7 pm now, then 20 hours ago would have been 11 am in Eastern Time.