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It depends where in the cell cycle things go wrong. Possibly apotosis (cell death), but given the way the question was worded I assume you are asking about uncontrolled cell division which is cancer.

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cancer cells

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tumor cells, possibly cancer cells

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Q: What is the result of uncontrolled cell division that is often caused by mutations?
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What is a misregulation of the proteins that controls cell growth and division?

A misregulation of proteins that control cell growth and division can lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation, which can result in the development of cancer. This misregulation can be caused by mutations in the genes encoding these proteins, leading to abnormal cell signaling pathways and loss of normal cell cycle control mechanisms.

If the cell cycle is uncontrolled what will happen to the cell?

If the cell cycle is uncontrolled, the cell may divide too rapidly, leading to uncontrolled growth or tumor formation. This can result in diseases like cancer where cells multiply uncontrollably and invade surrounding tissues. Additionally, uncontrolled cell division can prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis (cell death), leading to a buildup of abnormal cells.

When the cell cycle is not controlled what may result?

Uncontrolled cell cycle can lead to uncontrolled cell division, which may result in the formation of tumors and ultimately can lead to cancer. This uncontrolled growth can disrupt normal tissue function and potentially spread to other parts of the body, causing harm.

What will result if the cell cycle is uncontrolled or if the cell continue to divide without stopping?

Uncontrolled cell division can result in the formation of a mass of cells called a tumor, which can be benign or malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumors can invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body through a process known as metastasis, leading to serious health consequences.

How does mutation in the body cells cause damage?

Mutations in body cells can lead to disruption in normal cellular function, potentially resulting in diseases like cancer. Mutations can affect important biological processes such as cell division, DNA repair, and cell death, leading to uncontrolled growth and impaired cell communication. This can ultimately lead to the formation of tumors and other adverse health outcomes.

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What percentage of cancers are estimated to result from mutations that are not inherited?

70% of cancers are estimated to result from mutations that are not inherited.

Explain how uncontrolled cell division can result in cancer?

One of the characteristics of cancer is the ability for cells to grow and divide uncontrollably. This uncontrolled cell division creates lumps and masses known as tumors, which can range in size from very small to extremely large.

What can result from the cell being uncontrolled?

I hope you mean "uncontrolled in growing". Uncontrolled cell growth in one part of the body can cause the development of tumour or cancer.

Do cancers result from uncontrolled cell growth?

Yes it does

What is division by zero?

In a computer, this is an error caused by a calculation which, as it implies, included dividing by zero. The computer can't represent the result of division by zero so an error is generated.

What is cancer the result of?

Uncontrolled proliferation of a subset of cells in your body.

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How are point mutations and frame shift mutations different?

Point Mutations always result in [causing] a frame-shift mutation so they are the same.

What a result of the division is called?

The result of division is the quotient.

Do mutations result in changes in genetic patterns?
