The Stamen is the male reproductive system and it produces pollen. It looks alittle like a small cattail. The Ovary is the female reproductive system which produces ovules, these ovules turn into seeds once pollinated. The ovary receives pollen through the Stigma. The female reproductive system looks like a little vase.
The flower serves as the reproductive organ of flowering plants. It produces pollen (male reproductive cells) and eggs (female reproductive cells) for fertilization, leading to the formation of seeds.
In flowering plants like the crocus and gladiolus, the organ of reproduction is the flower. Within the flower, the male reproductive organ is the stamen, which produces pollen, and the female reproductive organ is the pistil, which contains the ovary where the seeds develop after fertilization.
The reproductive part of many plants that contains a pistil and a stamen is the flower. The pistil is the female reproductive organ, while the stamen is the male reproductive organ. These parts are essential for pollination and reproduction in flowering plants.
Plants reproduce using a process called pollination, where pollen from the male reproductive organ (stamen) is transferred to the female reproductive organ (pistil) of a flower. This fertilization process leads to the formation of seeds, which then develop into new plants.
Yes, when pollination occurs, it can lead to the formation of seeds in plants. Pollen from the male reproductive organ of a plant fertilizes the female reproductive organ, leading to seed production.
seed is not a vegetative reproductive organ of plants.
The flower serves as the reproductive organ of flowering plants. It produces pollen (male reproductive cells) and eggs (female reproductive cells) for fertilization, leading to the formation of seeds.
i think it is the stigma
Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.
Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.
In the flowers. They are Stamen and Pistols.
seed is not a vegetative reproductive organ of plants.
In flowering plants like the crocus and gladiolus, the organ of reproduction is the flower. Within the flower, the male reproductive organ is the stamen, which produces pollen, and the female reproductive organ is the pistil, which contains the ovary where the seeds develop after fertilization.
The reproductive part of many plants that contains a pistil and a stamen is the flower. The pistil is the female reproductive organ, while the stamen is the male reproductive organ. These parts are essential for pollination and reproduction in flowering plants.
The flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperm mature plants.
In plants, the flowers. In animals, the genitals/gonads.testes and ovaries
Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.