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There are a lot of clinical importances of Bronchopulmonary Segments. For instance,knowledge of the bronchopulmomary segments is essential for precise interpretation of radiographs and other medical images of the lungs. Knowledge of these segments is also essential for surgical resection of diseased segments. Bronchial and pulmonary disorders such as rumors or abscesses (collection of pulps) often localized in a bronchopulmomary segments ( posterior segment of right upper lobe and apical segment of the right lower lobe ), which may be surgically resected. During treatment of lung cancer, the surgeon may remove the whole lung (pneumonectomy) , a lobe (lobectomy) , or a bronchopulmomary segment (segmentectomy).

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Q: What is the relevance of bronchopulmonary segment to a thoracic surgeon who wants to remove a lesion from the lungs?
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A mediastinoscopy is typically performed by a thoracic surgeon or a specialized interventional pulmonologist. This procedure is done to examine the mediastinum, which is the space in the chest between the lungs that contains the heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, and lymph nodes.

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