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Waldo Mayer

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Q: What is the relationship between virus and a host cell?
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The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the?

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the host cell. The virus hijacks the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more virus particles.

What is it called when a virus attached to host cell injects its nucleic acid into the host cell then makes more viruses?

Attachment, or adsorption, occurs between the virus and the host cell membrane. A hole forms in the cell membrane, then the virus particle or its genetic contents are released into the host cell, where viral reproduction may begin.

What is the cell that a virus infects?

Host Cell

How do you describe an active virus?

The virus attaches to the host cell, it takes over the functions of the host cell, and it eventually destroys it. If there was no host cell, the virus would die.

What is a virus called outside a host cell?

A virus outside a host cell is generally referred to as a virion. This is the inactive form of the virus that is unable to replicate until it enters a suitable host cell.

What stage is it when a virus enters a host cell?

The virus enters the host cell in the penetration phase.

Does the host cell usually benefit from having a virus?

The host cell does not benefit from having a virus. The virus usually kills it.

Why is the cell invaded by the virus called a host cell?

The cell invaded by the virus is called a host cell because it provides the environment and resources necessary for the virus to replicate and multiply. The virus uses the host cell's machinery to produce more viruses, ultimately leading to the destruction of the host cell.

What is a host cell for a virus?

A host cell for a virus is a cell that the virus can infect and hijack to replicate itself. The virus enters the host cell, takes over its machinery to produce more virus particles, and then spreads to infect other cells.

What can a virus do without a host cell?

It can do nothing. It needs the host cell to make more virus particles.