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A year is the time it takes to orbit the sun. Therefor the closer you are to the sun the smaller the orbit and the shorter the year

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The distance a planet is from the sun influences its year length. Planets closer to the sun have shorter years because they travel a shorter distance to complete one orbit around the sun. Conversely, planets farther from the sun have longer years because they have a greater distance to travel in their orbit.

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Q: What is the relationship between the distance a planet is from the sun and its year?
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What is the relationship between the distance a planet is from the sun and it's year?

The further a planet is from the sun, the longer its year is. This is because a planet's year is determined by how long it takes to complete one orbit around the sun, with larger orbits taking more time to complete.

What is the relationship between the distance of a planet from the sun and the length of its years?

Time = distance3/2Kepler's 3rd Law of Planetary Motion gives this relationship:The cube of the average distance from the Sun is proportional to the square ofthe period of revolution (year).So: (Distance)3 is proportional to (year)2

Is there a similar relationship between distance from the sun and the length of a day of a planet?

No, the distance from the sun does not directly determine the length of a planet's day. A planet's rotation speed on its axis is the primary factor that determines the length of its day. Other factors like the planet's size and composition can also play a role.

What do the length of the planets year and its distance from the sun have in common?

The length of a planet's year and its distance from the sun are related through Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis distance from the sun. This means that planets farther from the sun have longer orbital periods or years compared to those closer to the sun.

How far is Pluto from Saturn in light year?

The distance between Pluto and Saturn varies depending on where each planet is in its orbit, but the maximum distance between them is a little under 11 light-HOURS.

Related questions

What is the relationship between a planet's distance fromm the sun and the length of its year?

The farther out, the longer the year.

What is the relationship between the distance a planet is from the sun and it's year?

The further a planet is from the sun, the longer its year is. This is because a planet's year is determined by how long it takes to complete one orbit around the sun, with larger orbits taking more time to complete.

Is there a relationship between the length of planet's year and the distance of that planet from the sun?

Yes. A year is how long it takes for Earth to orbit (go the whole way around) the sun. So if it's further out, then it takes longer to orbit, thus a longer year.

What is the relationship between the distance of a planet from the sun and the length of its years?

Time = distance3/2Kepler's 3rd Law of Planetary Motion gives this relationship:The cube of the average distance from the Sun is proportional to the square ofthe period of revolution (year).So: (Distance)3 is proportional to (year)2

What relationship between year and orbit?

Well if you are talking about planet Earth the orbit around the Sun takes one year.

Is there a similar relationship between distance from the sun and the length of a day of a planet?

No, the distance from the sun does not directly determine the length of a planet's day. A planet's rotation speed on its axis is the primary factor that determines the length of its day. Other factors like the planet's size and composition can also play a role.

What does the length of a planet's year have to do with it's orbits?

Everything. The further out the planet is, the longer the orbit. Johannes Kepler found out that the relationship between the orbital time of a planet (its 'year') is proportional to the distance it is from the sun. The actual relationship is: The time T for one orbit (the 'year') squared (i.e times by itself) is proportional to the distance D it is from the sun cubed (times by itself twice) or T x T is proportional to D x D x D so for any two planets, if the time for a 'year' of one planet is t and the distance it is from the sun is d, and the time for a 'year' of the other is T and its distance from the sun D, then T x T divided by t x t = D x D x D divided by d x d x dTherefore, if you know the distance from the sun and the time of a year for one planet, and the time for the year of another planet, you can work out the second planet's distance. Or knowing any three of the parameters, you can work out the fourth. The law still works for any object in orbit - including the moon travelling round the earth and satellites in orbit.

Is it true that the length of a year of a planet is proportional to its distance from the sun?

YES. However the relationship is not quite that simple. This is Kepler's third law. I'll give you a simplified version which assumes the planets orbits are circular, instead of being ellipses : The square of the length of the year is proportional to the cube of the planet's distance from the Sun.

How far is Pluto from Saturn in light year?

The distance between Pluto and Saturn varies depending on where each planet is in its orbit, but the maximum distance between them is a little under 11 light-HOURS.

Is there a direct relationship between the eccentricity of its orbit and the distance a planet is from the sun?

Yes, there is a relationship between the eccentricity of a planet's orbit and its distance from the sun. The eccentricity of an orbit affects how elongated or circular it is, with higher eccentricity leading to a more elongated orbit. However, the distance a planet is from the sun is determined by its semi-major axis, which is primarily influenced by the planet's initial conditions during its formation.

Does the distance from the sun affect how long a year is on that planet?

Yes, the distance from the sun affects how long a year is on a planet. The time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit around the sun is directly related to its distance from the sun. Planets that are farther from the sun take longer to complete an orbit and have longer years compared to those closer to the sun.

How longest time it takes planet to revolve around the sun?

It depend on the distance of planet from sun and size of planet. If distance increases the time ie. Year increases