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At low substrate concentrations, the rate of enzyme activity is proportional to substrate concentration. The rate eventually reaches a maximum at high substrate concentrations as the active sites become saturated.

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For an enzyme-catalysed reaction, there is usually a hyperbolic relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration of substrate.

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Q: What is the relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity?
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What is the independent variable between temperature and enzyme activity?

To find out how enzyme concentration affects the activity of the enzyme you must:vary the concentration of the enzyme, by preparing different concentrations (keeping the volume of solution the same)keep the temperature, substrate concentration and pH constantmeasure the activity of the enzyme at each concentrationHow the enzyme activity is measured will depend on the specific enzyme involved.You need to have plenty of substrate (excess substrate) so it doesn't run out during the experiment.In this type of experiment, the enzyme activity is the dependent variable, the temperature, pH and substrate concentration are control variables and the enzyme concentration is the independent variable.

What is michelis menten curve how it is useful in the study of enzyme kinetics?

The Michaelis-Menten curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. It helps to determine important kinetic parameters such as the Michaelis constant (Km) and the maximum reaction velocity (Vmax), which are crucial for understanding enzyme-substrate interactions and enzyme efficiency. This curve is instrumental in studying enzyme kinetics and predicting how changes in substrate concentration affect the enzyme's activity.

Can anyone help with this question Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction Is this a linear relationship What happens t?

Up to a certain point, increasing substrate concentration generally increases the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction due to more substrate molecules binding to active sites. This relationship is often linear at low substrate concentrations. At higher substrate concentrations, the reaction rate may reach a plateau due to all enzyme active sites being occupied, leading to saturation.

What is the relationship between concentration of ions and the pH scale?

The concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution affects its pH level. Higher concentration of H+ ions corresponds to a more acidic solution and lower pH value, while lower concentration of H+ ions results in a more basic solution and higher pH value. pH is a measure of the activity of the hydrogen ion in a solution.

Enzyme inhibitors disrupt normal interactions between an enzyme and its what?


Related questions

What is the independent variable between temperature and enzyme activity?

To find out how enzyme concentration affects the activity of the enzyme you must:vary the concentration of the enzyme, by preparing different concentrations (keeping the volume of solution the same)keep the temperature, substrate concentration and pH constantmeasure the activity of the enzyme at each concentrationHow the enzyme activity is measured will depend on the specific enzyme involved.You need to have plenty of substrate (excess substrate) so it doesn't run out during the experiment.In this type of experiment, the enzyme activity is the dependent variable, the temperature, pH and substrate concentration are control variables and the enzyme concentration is the independent variable.

Why does increase enzymes concentration promote enzyme activity?

Increasing enzyme concentration increases the number of collisions between the enzyme molecules and the substrate molecules. This increases the number of successful collisions and the number of enzyme-substrate complexes. Therefore the reaction rate is increased as well and enzyme activity is promoted.

What can Tobin conclude about the relationship between the enzyme concentration and the reaction rate in the presence of excess substrate?

Tobin can conclude that the reaction rate is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration when excess substrate is present. This is because at higher enzyme concentrations, all substrate molecules are already bound to enzyme active sites, leading to a maximal reaction rate even with excess substrate.

Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction Is this a linear relationship What happens to the initial reaction rate as sub?

As the substrate concentration increases so does the reaction rate because there is more substrate for the enzyme react with.

Some factors that may influence enzyme activity?

A low temperature can slow down enzyme activity and high temperatures can denature an enzyme making it unusable. pH levels also affect enzyme activity. Every cell has an ideal temperature and pH

What is michelis menten curve how it is useful in the study of enzyme kinetics?

The Michaelis-Menten curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. It helps to determine important kinetic parameters such as the Michaelis constant (Km) and the maximum reaction velocity (Vmax), which are crucial for understanding enzyme-substrate interactions and enzyme efficiency. This curve is instrumental in studying enzyme kinetics and predicting how changes in substrate concentration affect the enzyme's activity.

What is the Effect of dilution on enzyme activity?

At a high ion concentration, the ion interfere with the bonds between the side groups of the amino acids making up the enzyme (which is a protein). This causes the enzyme to lose its shape, called denaturation. If the enzyme loses its shape, it can no longer accept and react substrate, so the rate of enzyme activity decreases.

Can anyone help with this question Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction Is this a linear relationship What happens t?

Up to a certain point, increasing substrate concentration generally increases the initial reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction due to more substrate molecules binding to active sites. This relationship is often linear at low substrate concentrations. At higher substrate concentrations, the reaction rate may reach a plateau due to all enzyme active sites being occupied, leading to saturation.

What has the author C Y Mak written?

C. Y. Mak has written: 'The relationship between takeover activity and industrial concentration'

What is the Michaelis constant?

The Michaelis constant (Km) is a parameter that characterizes the affinity of an enzyme for its substrate. It represents the substrate concentration at which an enzyme works at half of its maximum velocity. A lower Km value indicates higher affinity between the enzyme and substrate.

What is the relationship between the solution the solvent and the concentration of the solution?

The concentration is the strenght of the solution.

What factors affect enzyme activity?

Temperature - too cold the enzyme will still work but slowly, too hot and the enzyme will become denatured . As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases so they move around more, meaning that there are more collisions between the enzymes and substrate molecules and therefore more reactions. pH - different types of enzymes work best in different pH environments. A change in pH interferes with the shape of the enzymes active site (where it bonds and reacts with substrate) and therefore does not fit the shape of the substrate as well so the enzyme is unable to work on the substrate. enzyme and substrate concentration - how many there is of each. Changing the concentrations of enzyme and substrate concentrations will affect the number of collisions between them and therefore the number of reactions. enzyme inhibitors - these are molecules which bind to enzymes, reducing their activity (many drugs are enzyme inhibitors). co-factors - these are chemical compounds which bind to enzymes and which are needed by the enzyme to work on substrate molecules. They are often called helper molecules.