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  1. As air pressure in an area increases, the density of the gas particles in that area decreases.
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1w ago

As atmospheric pressure increases in a specific area, the gas particles in that area become more compressed and closer together. This compression leads to an increase in gas particle density in proportion to the increase in pressure. Conversely, as pressure decreases, the gas particles become less compressed and spread out, resulting in a lower gas particle density.

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Yt Focc

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Q: What is the relationship between atmospheric pressure and the density of gas particles in an area of increasing pressure?
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The force exerted by the atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure. At sea level, atmospheric pressure is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude.

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It increases proportionally. This means that if you double the ammount of particles, the pressure doubles.

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Increasing the temperature the number of particles remain constant and the pressure increase.

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That space is called a vacuum. It is a region in which the pressure is significantly lower than the atmospheric pressure, leading to a sparse distribution of particles.

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