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The recessive hair type refers to the genetic trait responsible for straight hair. This means that an individual must inherit two copies of the straight hair gene (one from each parent) in order to have straight hair. If only one copy is inherited, the dominant curly hair gene will be expressed instead.

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Q: What is the recessive hair type?
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Melanin recessive are those with light skin, light eyes, and light hair.

Is the straight hair dominant?

No, it is recessive.

Is straight hair controlled by a dominate allele or recessive allele?

Straight hair is typically controlled by a dominant allele. Curly hair is usually controlled by a recessive allele.

Is black hair color domonite or recessive?

Black hair would be dominate.

What does a recessive trait for blonde hair and a recessive trait for red hair make?

A recessive trait for blonde hair and a recessive trait for red hair will likely result in a child with red hair, as the trait for red hair is typically more dominant than blonde hair. This is because red hair is usually caused by a different gene (MC1R) compared to blonde hair.

Can someone give you a List of dominant or recessive personality traits?

1. Shape of face (probably polygenic) Oval dominant, square recessive 2. Cleft in chin No cleft dominant, cleft recessive 3. Hair curl (probably polygenic) Assume incomplete dominance Curly: homozygous Wavy: heterozygous Straight: homozygous 4. Hairline Widow peak dominant, straight hairline recessive 5. Eyebrow size Broad dominant, slender recessive 6. Eyebrow shape Separated dominant, joined recessive 7. Eyelash length Long dominant, short recessive 8. Dimples Dimples dominant, no dimples recessive 9. Earlobes Free lobe dominant, attached recessive 10. Eye shape Almond dominant, round recessive 11. Freckles Freckles dominant, no freckles recessive 12. Tongue rolling Roller dominant, nonroller recessive 13. Tongue folding Inability dominant, ability recessive 14. Finger mid-digital hair Hair dominant, no hair recessive 15. Hitch-hiker's thumb Straight thumb dominant, hitch-hiker thumb recessive 16. Bent little finger Bent dominant, straight recessive 17. Interlaced fingers Left thumb over right dominant, right over left recessive 18. Hair on back of hand Hair dominant, no hair recessive 19. Tendons of Palmar Muscle Two tendons dominant, three tendons recessive

What is a reccessive trait?

A recessive trait is a genetic trait that is only expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive allele. In a heterozygous individual (having one dominant and one recessive allele), the dominant trait will be expressed while the recessive trait remains hidden. Recessive traits typically show up in offspring when both parents carry the recessive allele.

Which one of the following statements would most clearly refer to a person's genotype a susan has blue eyes b bill is recessive for height and dominant for hair c Karen has broad shoulds?

Statement B, "Bill is recessive for height and dominant for hair," most clearly refers to a person's genotype. This statement indicates specific genetic traits (height and hair type) and whether the traits are dominant or recessive in the individual.

A sentence with the word recessive gene?

The boys genotype consisted of two recessive genes coding for brown hair.

If a baby goat received dominant gene for curly hair from one parent and recessive gene for straight hair from the other which trait will the baby goat display?

The baby goat is likely to display the dominant trait for curly hair, as the dominant gene overrides the recessive gene. Therefore, the baby goat will have curly hair.

Is blonde hair recessive or dominant?

Blonde hair is typically considered a recessive trait, meaning both parents must pass on the blonde hair gene for a child to have blonde hair. If one parent has a dominant brown hair gene, the child is more likely to have brown hair.

Give an example of a recessive traits?

In humans good examples are blue eyes, blonde hair, type "O" blood, sickle cell anemia, and hemophilia.