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Q: What is the reasons for dehydration of alcohol to produce an alkene takes place in the presence of an acid catalyst?
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What is the reaction of an alkene and water in the presence of an acid catalyst to produce an alcohol called?

The reaction of an alkene and water in the presence of an acid catalyst is called an acid-catalyzed hydration reaction. This reaction forms an alcohol.

A dehydration reaction occurring between two primary alcohol molecules will produce what?

A dehydration reaction between two primary alcohol molecules will produce water as a byproduct, along with an ether compound.

Why sulfuric acid is not used while reaction of alcohol with KI?

In the presence of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), KI produces HI Since is an oxidizing agent, it oxidizes HI (produced in the reaction to I2). As a result, the reaction between alcohol and HI to produce alkyl iodide cannot occur. Therefore, sulphuric acid is not used during the reaction of alcohols with KI. Instead, a non-oxidizing acid such as H3PO4 is used.

Breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into a smaller one by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called?

The breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into smaller ones by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called cracking. This process is commonly used in the petroleum industry to produce more valuable products such as gasoline from heavier crude oil fractions.

Is dehydration the chemical reaction to make a polymer?

No, dehydration is not the chemical reaction to make a polymer. Dehydration is a process in which water is removed from a compound, typically during the formation of a polymer when monomers join together, releasing a molecule of water as a byproduct.

Related questions

What is the reaction of an alkene and water in the presence of an acid catalyst to produce an alcohol called?

The reaction of an alkene and water in the presence of an acid catalyst is called an acid-catalyzed hydration reaction. This reaction forms an alcohol.

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Diacetone alcohol can be prepared from ethanol by first converting ethanol to diacetone by reacting it with acetone in the presence of an acidic catalyst. Diacetone is then hydrogenated to produce diacetone alcohol.

A dehydration reaction occurring between two primary alcohol molecules will produce what?

A dehydration reaction between two primary alcohol molecules will produce water as a byproduct, along with an ether compound.

What combination of alcohol and acid will form octyl benzoate?

Octyl benzoate can be formed by reacting octanol (alcohol) and benzoic acid in the presence of a catalyst like sulfuric acid. The reaction will produce octyl benzoate and water as byproduct.

Will a oxygen gas mixed with hydrogen gas produce substance?

If there is a source of activation energy, or in the presence of an active catalyst, these elements will react to produce water.

What will the hydrogenation of an aldehyde produce?

The hydrogenation of an aldehyde will produce a primary alcohol. This reaction involves the addition of hydrogen gas (H2) in the presence of a metal catalyst like palladium or platinum to the carbon-oxygen double bond in the aldehyde, resulting in the conversion of the aldehyde functional group (-CHO) to a hydroxyl group (-OH).

Why sulfuric acid is not used while reaction of alcohol with KI?

In the presence of sulphuric acid (H2SO4), KI produces HI Since is an oxidizing agent, it oxidizes HI (produced in the reaction to I2). As a result, the reaction between alcohol and HI to produce alkyl iodide cannot occur. Therefore, sulphuric acid is not used during the reaction of alcohols with KI. Instead, a non-oxidizing acid such as H3PO4 is used.

Breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into a smaller one by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called?

The breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into smaller ones by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called cracking. This process is commonly used in the petroleum industry to produce more valuable products such as gasoline from heavier crude oil fractions.

Is dehydration the chemical reaction to make a polymer?

No, dehydration is not the chemical reaction to make a polymer. Dehydration is a process in which water is removed from a compound, typically during the formation of a polymer when monomers join together, releasing a molecule of water as a byproduct.

Does oxygen react with benzene?

Oxygen can react with benzene in the presence of a catalyst to form benzene oxide. This reaction typically requires high temperatures and pressures to occur. Benzene can also undergo combustion in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

How do you prossess glycerin out of fat?

Glycerin can be obtained from fat through a process called hydrolysis or transesterification. In hydrolysis, fat is mixed with a strong base like sodium hydroxide and water, resulting in the separation of glycerin and fatty acids. In transesterification, fat is reacted with an alcohol like methanol in the presence of a catalyst to produce biodiesel and glycerin as byproducts.

What sigar is created during the fermentaion process that produces alcohol?

The sugar created during the fermentation process that produces alcohol is called glucose. Yeast consumes the glucose in the presence of water to produce ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide.