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The wax secreted by glands in the auditory canal helps to protect the ear by trapping dust, dirt, and other foreign particles, preventing them from entering the ear and causing damage or infection. It also helps to maintain the pH balance in the ear canal and prevent dryness.

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Q: What is the purpose of the wax secreted by glands in the auditory canal?
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What lines the auditory canal and what is its function?

The auditory canal is lined with skin, which contains specialized cells that secrete cerumen (earwax). The function of the auditory canal is to protect the eardrum from foreign particles, dust, and water, while also helping to trap and remove bacteria and debris from the ear.

What is produced in the oil glands in the auditory canal?

The oil glands in the auditory canal produce cerumen, commonly known as earwax. Earwax serves to lubricate and protect the ear canal by trapping dirt and preventing infections.

A diagram of the auditory canal?

The auditory canal is a tube-like structure that extends from the outer ear to the eardrum. It is lined with skin and earwax-producing glands that help protect the ear. The shape of the auditory canal helps to amplify and direct sound waves towards the eardrum for processing.

What is the function of the fine hairs and tiny wax-producing glands of the external auditory canal?

The fine hairs in the external auditory canal help to trap and prevent debris, such as dust and particles, from entering the ear. This helps to keep the ear clean and prevent blockages. The tiny wax-producing glands in the external auditory canal secrete earwax (cerumen) which helps to lubricate and protect the ear canal from infection and irritation.

What is the name for the brown waxlike secretion found in the external auditory canal?

The name for the brown waxlike secretion found in the external auditory canal is earwax, also known as cerumen. It is produced by the ceruminous glands in the ear canal and serves to protect and lubricate the ear canal.

What does the external auditory canal do?

The external auditory canal, also known as the ear canal, serves to transmit sound waves from the environment to the eardrum. It is responsible for protecting the middle and inner ear structures from foreign objects and damage. Its curved shape also helps amplify and filter sound waves before they reach the eardrum.

What is the function of the fine hairs and tiny wax producing glands of the external auditory canal?

it protects the ear by trapping dust and other foreign substances

How can use the word auditory in a sentence?

He had an infection in his auditory canal

What also known as earwax is secreted by glands that line the external auditory canal?

Ear wax is called cerumen. This is where the words, sincere and insincere come from. When a sculptor accidently broke a piece of his sculpture, he would repair it by using wax. A sculpture that was in perfect condition and had no wax used for repairs was sin cere, or without wax.

Can you hear without any ears?

If you had an auditory canal (a hole in the side of your head that you hear through), then yes. The ear only amplifies sound into the auditory canal's passageway. But with no auditory canal, then no, stupid, you couldn't.

How long is auditory canal?

The auditory canal is about 1 inch long in adults. It starts at the opening of the ear (external ear canal) and extends to the eardrum.

What is a widely patent auditory canal?

The auditory canal is your inner ear - the part inside your cranium. Patent means open. A widely patent auditory canal would be one that is especially wide/open/large.