To regulate hydrostatic pressure,protects, supports growth \m, and desttoys invading bacteris
The large central vacuole in plant cells serves various functions, including maintaining turgor pressure to support the cell structure, storing water, regulating osmotic balance, and storing nutrients and waste products. It also plays a role in plant growth, development, and storage of pigments.
What most of the plant cell is composed of by volume; a large central vacuole.
no they do not
It is called central vacuole. It is distinct in plant cells
Plant cells have a large central vacuole that controls water pressure. The central vacuole plays a key role in regulating the osmotic balance and maintaining turgor pressure within the cell. It stores water, nutrients, and waste products, and helps provide structural support to the cell.
in the large central vacuole
No they do not. They do not have any organelle
Yes, they usually are there in the vacuole membrane or large central vacuole.
in the large central vacuole
Central Vacuole
A large central vacuole in plant cells helps maintain cell turgidity by storing water and nutrients, providing structural support to the cell, and regulating cell growth and development. It also helps to maintain the pH balance within the cell and store waste products.
chloroplast and large central vacuole
A vacuole is a large central fluid-filled organelle in plant cells that helps maintain turgidity by storing water and maintaining pressure.
The central vacuole occupies a large portion of the volume in a plant cell. It is responsible for maintaining turgor pressure, storing nutrients, and regulating cell size.
What most of the plant cell is composed of by volume; a large central vacuole.