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allow only parallel rays from strem of rays

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Q: What is the purpose of the collimator?
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Related questions

How much is a laser collimator for a telescope?

The cost of a laser collimator depends on the type of telescope you have. One could be looking at spending anywhere between $70 and $200 on a laser collimator.

What is a collimator used for?

A collimator is used to "bore sight" a scope. It will help ensure that the scope is close to being properly aligned.

What device removes long wavelengths?


What collimator for dental machines are made of?


What happens if the ruled surface of the grating faces the collimator?

Lines will be formed at the opposite side of the observer if the ruled surface of grating faces the collimator due to reflection

The box like device attached under the tube housing that allows the limited operator to vary the size of the radiation field is called a?

collimator. The collimator is a device used in radiology to shape and limit the size of the X-ray beam, allowing radiographers to target specific areas of the body for imaging while minimizing unnecessary radiation exposure to surrounding tissues.

What did Roscoe L Koontz Invent?

pin hole gamma ray camera & collimator

What is collimating?

the lead diaphragm colloctaded with aluminum filter.the diaphragm or collimator is constructed of 1/16inch lead

What is use of collimator in spectometer?

A collimator in a spectrometer is used to ensure that light enters the spectrometer in a parallel beam, which helps in improving the accuracy and precision of the spectral measurements. It helps to reduce divergent light and focus the light onto the entrance slit of the spectrometer, resulting in more accurate spectral data.

How do you get parallel beams of light?

Parallel beams of light can be created by using a collimator, such as a lens or a mirror, to straighten and align the light rays in a parallel manner. This involves focusing the light from a source into a beam and then passing it through a collimating device. The collimator helps to eliminate any divergence of the light rays, resulting in parallel beams.

The collimator and lead diaphragm are used to control the?

size of the facial tissue exposed to x-rays.

What are roscoe koontz inventions?

Roscoe Koontz is famous for inventing the pinhole gamma ray camera.