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A quality of a substance that never changes is one of the reasons why density is a characteristic property

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If it is a pure substance, you could use melting point, boiling point, and density.

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Q: What is the property that is a quality of a substance that never changes and can be used to indentify the substance?
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Why is density characteristic property?

Density is a Characteristic Property because it is A quality of a substance that never changes and can be used to identify the substances.

Is magnetic quality a chemical or a physical property?

physical property

A physical property is a quality or condition of a substance that can be?

Physical properties are characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's composition. These include properties like density, color, melting point, and conductivity.

What is the quality of a substance that describes how it behaves or appears?

That quality is known as physical property. It includes characteristics such as color, texture, density, and conductivity that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's chemical composition.

What are property's of matter?

PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. A Substance may be identified by certain Qualities, or Traits. A QUALITY OR TRAIT THAT IDENTIFIES A SUBSTANCE IS CALLED A PROPERTY. 2. The property of a substance stays the SAME even if the Volume changes. 3. COLOR, MASS, SMALL, DENSITY, AND COMPOSITION ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF PROPERTIES THAT CAN HELP SCIENTIST IDENTIFY SUBSTANCES. 4. A PROPERTY THAT ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME IS CALLED A CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTY BECAUSE IT IS A CHARACTERISTIC OF A PARTICULAR KIND OF MATTER. 5. EVERY SUBSTANCE HAS TWO KINDS OF PROPERTIES - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. 6. A PHSICAL PROPERTY is a property of matter that can be OBSERVED or MEASURED WITHOUT CHANGING the composition of the substance. 7. Physical properties are often used to identify substances. 8. SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER: A. BIOLING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. B. CONDENSATION POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a gas to liquid; same temperature as boiling point. C. DENSITY - The mass of a specific volume of substance. D. FREEZING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid; same temperature as melting point. E. MELTING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid. F. RESISTANCE - The opposition of a substance has to the flow of electric current. G. SOLUBILITY - The degree to which a substance will dissolve in a given amount of another substance, such as water.

What are the properties of matters?

PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. A Substance may be identified by certain Qualities, or Traits. A QUALITY OR TRAIT THAT IDENTIFIES A SUBSTANCE IS CALLED A PROPERTY. 2. The property of a substance stays the SAME even if the Volume changes. 3. COLOR, MASS, SMALL, DENSITY, AND COMPOSITION ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF PROPERTIES THAT CAN HELP SCIENTIST IDENTIFY SUBSTANCES. 4. A PROPERTY THAT ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME IS CALLED A CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTY BECAUSE IT IS A CHARACTERISTIC OF A PARTICULAR KIND OF MATTER. 5. EVERY SUBSTANCE HAS TWO KINDS OF PROPERTIES - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. 6. A PHSICAL PROPERTY is a property of matter that can be OBSERVED or MEASURED WITHOUT CHANGING the composition of the substance. 7. Physical properties are often used to identify substances. 8. SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER: A. BIOLING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. B. CONDENSATION POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a gas to liquid; same temperature as boiling point. C. DENSITY - The mass of a specific volume of substance. D. FREEZING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid; same temperature as melting point. E. MELTING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid. F. RESISTANCE - The opposition of a substance has to the flow of electric current. G. SOLUBILITY - The degree to which a substance will dissolve in a given amount of another substance, such as water.

What does a chemical property give a substance the ability to do?

A chemical property is the properties exhibited by a material in a chemical reaction. This gives a substance the ability to have a chemical identity and is also used in building chemical classifications. The properties can be used in identifying a substance that is unknown or to separate substances. The property also helps in providing information on the application of a substance.

Is texture a extensive or intensive property?

Texture is an intensive property because it does not depend on the amount of the substance present. Texture describes the quality or feel of a material, regardless of how much of that material there is.

What is the difference between chemical and physical property?

Chemical properties describe the behavior of a substance in reactions that result in the formation of new substances. Physical properties describe the characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its chemical composition.

Explain why flammability and combustibility are chemical properties?

Flammability and combustibility are chemical properties because they involve the chemical reaction of a substance with oxygen to produce heat and light. These properties depend on the specific chemical composition of the substance and how it interacts with oxygen in the presence of a heat source.

What is a characteristic that helps identify something?

most often the charecteristic which we notices the colour of the object,then its shape,then its smell[if it have], hardnessand thickness, etc.......

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