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Mitosis is the type of cell division in which cell a diploid somatic cell divides in such a way that the no. of chromosomes in the daughter cell remains constant as in parent cell nucleus. In mitosis, the nuclear chromatin first appears as long threads which shorten and thicken to form the typical number of chromosomes. Each chromosome splits lengthwise to double in number, with half of each set then moving toward opposite poles of the cell to become reorganized into two new nuclei having the normal number of chromosomes. Mitosis results in creating two cells that are genetically identical. It is vital for growth and the repair and replacement of cells, replacing old skin cells for example.

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13y ago

meosis is a process of cell division in which the cell divides and the number of chromosomes remained half at the end of the cell has two first phase called meosis 1 first of all prophase takes place. PROPHASE:it is further divided in to 5 phases. 1.liptotene 2.pachytene 3.zygotene 4.diplotene 5.diakinesis these are some phases in which homologous chromosomes pairing takes place called synapsis.then they exchange their segments and chiasmata formation takes place due to this yhe chromosomes exchange their segments.then it become thick condensed visible and nuclear membrane disappear. METAPHASE:in this phase bivalent arrange themselves on equitorial plates. ANAPHASE:in this phase the centrioles moves on their owmn sides and thus these bivalents separated out TELOPHASE:nuclear membrane reappear and cytokinesis takes place. now again meosis 2 occurs in which the steps occur similar to at the end 4 daughter cells of half chromosomes number are obtained

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Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. It involves two rounds of division (meiosis I and meiosis II) to create four daughter cells. Meiosis plays a key role in sexual reproduction, introducing genetic variation through processes like crossing over and independent assortment.

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The process is know as Meiosis II, the second stage in the process of cell division for sexual reproduction.

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Sexual reproduction took me a while 2 figure it out 2

What is the process of division that results in the formation of cells with half the usual number of chromosomes?

The process of meiosis.

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How many cells would have been present when meiosis 2 was complete?

When meiosis 2 is complete, the resulting cells would be 4 haploid daughter cells. Each cell contains half the number of chromosomes compared to the original parent cell.

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Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of genetic material from two individuals to produce offspring with genetic variation. It typically includes meiosis, the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells), fertilization, and the development of a new organism. This process promotes genetic diversity within a population.

Which meiosis better mirrors the mitosis process?

Meiosis I better mirrors the mitosis process because during this stage the homologous chromosomes separate, similar to the way sister chromatids separate during mitosis. Meiosis II, on the other hand, involves separating sister chromatids, which is not seen in mitosis.

How many ootids does meiosis produce?

Before the Meiosis takes place, there is another process Mitosis which takes place, the process of mitosis produces 2 daughter cell and than meiosis doubles the cells, therefore the process of meiosis combinely produces 4 daughter cells from 1 parent cell.