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It is called nitrogen fixing.

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Q: What is the process of changing free nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen?
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What process of changing free nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen is called?

nitrogen fixation

What is the process of changing free nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen called?

nitrogen fixation

What is the process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen called?

The process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen is called nitrogen fixation. This can occur through biological processes involving nitrogen-fixing bacteria, or through industrial processes like the Haber-Bosch process.

What The process of changing nitrogen gas into an usable form of nitrogen is called?

The process of changing nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen is called nitrogen fixation. This can be done by both biological means, such as through nitrogen-fixing bacteria or through non-biological methods like the Haber-Bosch process which is used to make ammonia.

What is the process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen?

Nitrogen fixation is the process in which certain bacteria in the soil or root nodules of leguminous plants convert free nitrogen gas (N2) into a usable form such as ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO3-). This conversion allows plants to take up the nitrogen they need for growth and development.

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Chemical Change

What is the term for the biological process where by atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form usable by plant?

Nitrogen fixation.

What is the term for the biological process whereby atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form usable by plants?

Nitrogen fixation.

What is the process in which nitrogen is converted into a usable form for life called?

The process by which nitrogen gas is converted into a usable form for life is called nitrogen fixation. This process is carried out by certain types of bacteria and archaea, which convert nitrogen gas into ammonia or other nitrogen-containing compounds that can be used by plants and other organisms.

Changing nitrogen gas to nitrogen in the soil?

Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere can be converted into a usable form for plants through a process called nitrogen fixation. This can be done by certain bacteria that live in the soil or through industrial processes like the Haber-Bosch process. The fixed nitrogen is then taken up by plants to support their growth.

What is Certain bacteria change free nitrogen gas into a usable form in a process?

Nitrogen Cyclenitrogen fixationnitrogennitrogen fixationNitrogen-fixing bacteria

What is the process of changing free nitrogen gas into an useable form of nitrogen?

stick it in your butt :D