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Q: What is the procedure to repair a damaged ureter?
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He can stop any bleeding, repair damaged vessels.

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Pyelotomy is surgical incision into the renal pelvis. A related term, pyeloplasty, is surgical repair of the renal pelvis.

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depends on how its damaged...

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You repair or replace any damaged parts.You repair or replace any damaged parts.

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if the retina is damaged - medical science cant repair that kind of damage

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Stem cells can repair a damaged heart by turning into new cardiac cells to replace the damaged tissue.

How do you use damaged in a sentence?

The car was damaged beyond repair.

drapery repair?

form_title=drapery repair form_header=8143 Please specify any repair your drapes are in need of.*= [] Rod or frame pulling out of wall [] Broken rod or frame [] Damaged shutter slat [] Damaged blind slat [] Damaged pulley system [] Damaged fashion fabric [] Damaged lining fabric

What is the origin for -rraphy?

'-rraphy' refers to the repair of a structure either damaged or congenital. For example a repair of a damaged tendon would be a tendorraphy.

What is the most common procedure to repair a central defect?

Anterior colporrhaphy is the most common procedure to repair a central defect

Does albumin repair damaged vessels?

Albumin does not repair damaged vessels, though it is often given to people who have damaged vessels because it helps to keep the fluids inside the vessels from leaking out.