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A small amount of carbon dioxide is all it takes to keep the earth comfortably warm for millions of years. A small increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is all it takes to cause global warming and threaten the future of the human race.

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Q: What is the problem with a small increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere?
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How does the owner of a factory which uses coal solve the problem of sending more carbon dioxide CO2 . Into the atmosphere?

how does the owner of a factory which uses coal, solve the problem of sending more dioxide.Into the atmosphere

How can biofuel production increase carbon dioxide levels?

Biofuel production can increase carbon dioxide levels when forests and grasslands are cleared to make way for biofuel crop cultivation. Deforestation releases carbon dioxide stored in trees and soil into the atmosphere, thus contributing to an increase in carbon dioxide levels. Additionally, the machinery and transportation involved in biofuel production can also generate carbon dioxide emissions.

Why has deforestation become a global problem?

Deforestation has become a global problem because forest destruction is one of the main causes of global warming. Through photosynthesis, trees and plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, slowing global warming.

Why is the burning of forests a double problem?

The burning of forests is a double problem because it releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change, and destroys habitats for numerous plant and animal species, leading to loss of biodiversity.

What are the problems that cause global warming?

Global warming is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere from human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a gradual increase in global temperatures. Other factors contributing to global warming include urbanization, agriculture practices, and waste management.

Related questions

Why is an increase in a gas that takes up a tiny part of the atmosphere a problem?

The problem is in what that gas does, or can do when left to accumulate in the atmosphere.

How does the owner of a factory which uses coal solve the problem of sending more carbon dioxide CO2 . Into the atmosphere?

how does the owner of a factory which uses coal, solve the problem of sending more dioxide.Into the atmosphere

What has to reduce to solve the problem of global warming?

To solve the problem of global warming, carbon emissions need to be reduced significantly. This can be achieved through increased use of renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, investing in energy efficiency measures, and implementing policies to limit carbon emissions from industries and transportation. Additionally, promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness about the impact of individual actions can help mitigate global warming.

What environmental problem is caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to global warming and climate change. This can result in rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and disruption of ecosystems, impacting both human populations and wildlife.

What are the problems with Carbon dioxide?

Due to large-scale burning of fossil fuels worldwide, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the athmosphere continues to increase. This enhances the natural 'greenhouse effect' of the athmosphere, causing global warming and climate change.

An increase in human skin cancer rates is a potential problem that could result from loss of _______ high in the atmosphere.?


How is climate change a problem for the carbon cycle?

Climate change affects the carbon cycle by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which in turn intensifies the greenhouse effect and leads to global warming. This disrupts the balance of carbon being stored in the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial systems, impacting the capacity of these reservoirs to absorb and store carbon effectively. This can lead to feedback loops that exacerbate climate change.

What is the conclusion of deforestation?

Deforestation is a serious problem for the world. It removes valuable trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the air and store the carbon. This extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the reasons we have global warming.

Are green house gases more or less problem than carbon dioxide?

Greenhouse gases collectively contribute to the greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. While carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas, other gases like methane and nitrous oxide also play a role in global warming. Each greenhouse gas has a different global warming potential, so it's important to consider all greenhouse gases when addressing climate change.

Which change in the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warning?

Large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) entering the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warming. One way humans contribute to this problem is by burning fossil fuels.

What problems occur when theres to much sulfur dioxide in the air?

The main problem with sulfur dioxide in atmosphere is the influence for acid rain. Sulfur dioxide molecules can react with rainwater to form sulfuric acid. Additionally, as sulfur dioxide is irritant to breathe, it may cause respiratory hazards too.

What happens if you add more carbon to the atmosphere?

Increasing carbon in the atmosphere leads to higher levels of carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming. This can result in climate change, rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and detrimental impacts on ecosystems and human health.