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Increasing the ratio neutrons/protons in the nucleus the atom become unstable.

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Q: What is the primary reason an atoms nucleus is unstable?
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When are all atoms radioactive?

An atom "becomes" radioactive when it is created. It's that simple. Radioactivity is a phenomenon associated with atoms that have unstable nuclei. The key is that the protons and neutrons that form the nucleus "don't like" the "arrangement" there and the atomic nucleus is unstable. The "ratio" of protons to neutrons in a nucleus is intrinsically unstable. The instability is something that the nucleus, when it is formed (and by whatever means), has as an innate quality. It is unstable, and it isradioactive, and at some point in time, it will undergo decay, or even spontaneous fission, in the case of certain atoms, like uranium and plutonium.

What is An unstable isotope is called what?

It isn't really an ELEMENT that is unstable, but an ISOTOPE. That means that in general, for the same element, some atoms will decay, and some will not - the difference being the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

What are the two primary portions of an atoms?

The nucleus and the electron shell

What are the primary factor determining whether or not an atom is stable or unstable?

The primary factors determining whether an atom is stable or unstable are the balance between the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (the neutron-to-proton ratio) and the nuclear forces holding the nucleus together. If an atom has too many or too few neutrons compared to protons, it can become unstable. Additionally, atoms with very large or very small atomic numbers tend to be less stable.

What makes americium radioactive?

Americium is radioactive due to its unstable atomic structure, specifically the imbalance between protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This instability causes the americium atoms to undergo radioactive decay in order to achieve a more stable configuration, emitting harmful radiation in the process.

Related questions

What is the difference between a stable and unstable nucleus?

In most atoms the protons and neutrons found in the nucleus are held together strongly. The nuclei of these atoms are said to be stable. However, the neutrons and protons in some atoms are not held together as strongly. These nuclei are unstable and will eventually disintegrate, forming other elements. Isotopes that are unstable are said to be radioactive and are called radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes.

When are all atoms radioactive?

An atom "becomes" radioactive when it is created. It's that simple. Radioactivity is a phenomenon associated with atoms that have unstable nuclei. The key is that the protons and neutrons that form the nucleus "don't like" the "arrangement" there and the atomic nucleus is unstable. The "ratio" of protons to neutrons in a nucleus is intrinsically unstable. The instability is something that the nucleus, when it is formed (and by whatever means), has as an innate quality. It is unstable, and it isradioactive, and at some point in time, it will undergo decay, or even spontaneous fission, in the case of certain atoms, like uranium and plutonium.

What is An unstable isotope is called what?

It isn't really an ELEMENT that is unstable, but an ISOTOPE. That means that in general, for the same element, some atoms will decay, and some will not - the difference being the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

What are the two primary portions of an atoms?

The nucleus and the electron shell

What are the primary factor determining whether or not an atom is stable or unstable?

The primary factors determining whether an atom is stable or unstable are the balance between the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (the neutron-to-proton ratio) and the nuclear forces holding the nucleus together. If an atom has too many or too few neutrons compared to protons, it can become unstable. Additionally, atoms with very large or very small atomic numbers tend to be less stable.

Is radius caused by stable or unstable nucleus of atoms?

all nuclei, both stable and unstable, have a radius. although the exact size can be hard to define, due to quantum properties.

What makes an element unstable or radioactive?

An element is unstable or radioactive when its nucleus is not in a state of equilibrium. This can happen if the nucleus has an excess of energy or an imbalance of protons and neutrons. To achieve stability, the nucleus will undergo radioactive decay by emitting particles or energy.

What makes a nucleus radioactive?

A nucleus is radioactive if it is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay, which involves the release of particles and/or energy in order to achieve a more stable configuration. Factors that can make a nucleus radioactive include having too many protons or neutrons, or being in an excited state.

What is Radioactivity and artificial transmutations?

Radio Activity- The process in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles and energy Artificial Transmutations- The conversion of atoms of one element to atoms of another.

What makes a nucleus unstable?

The strong nuclear force doesn't balance the electrostatic force.

What are mass of unstable atoms?

The mass of unstable atoms can vary widely depending on the specific isotope and the decay process involved. Unstable atoms typically have a higher mass compared to stable atoms due to the presence of excess energy or additional subatomic particles. When unstable atoms undergo radioactive decay, they can transform into more stable elements by emitting particles and energy.

What is an unstable atom?

An unstable atom is an atom that has an imbalance in the ratio of protons to neutrons in its nucleus, making it prone to undergo radioactive decay. This decay results in the emission of particles or energy in order to achieve a more stable configuration. Unstable atoms will continue to decay until they reach a state of stability.